1.经济学人:德国大众 征服全世界(下)
VW bet on China nearly 30 years ago. Now it is the worlds biggest car market and VW has 18% of it, through two joint ventures. They sell 2m vehicles a...
2.经济学人:德国大众 征服全世界(上)
Volkswagen 大众汽车 VW conquers the world 大众征服世界 Germanys biggest carmaker is leaving rivals in the dust 德国最大汽车制造商令对手望尘莫及 When F...
3.经济学人:德国名企股东闹不和 双方陷冷战
German business 德国商业 Screwdrivers drawn 拉锯战 A shareholder stand-off in the Black Forest 黑森林里的股东对峙 If you have ever struggled to assemb...
4.经济学人:快车道生活 商务人士学习一级方程式车手(上)
Schumpeter 熊彼特 Life in the fast lane 快车道生活 Business people are racing to learn from Formula One drivers 商务人士竞相向一级方程式车手学习 ON TH...
5.经济学人:阿里巴巴 一审再审(下)
Most intriguingly, the American regulator is also scrutinising how the company has handled its many related-party transactions. Jack Ma, the firm's fo...
6.经济学人:阿里巴巴 一审再审
Alibaba 阿里巴巴 Under scrutiny 一审再审 American regulators are investigating China's e-commerce giant 美国监管机构正调查中国电商巨头 WE HAVE from ti...
7.经济学人:Slack一代 职场通讯工具如何取代其他沟通形式(下)
A self-professed introvert, which is fitting for a company that sells itself on textual communication, he values efficiency and candour. After Yahoo b...
8.经济学人:Slack一代 职场通讯工具如何取代其他沟通形式(中)
A survey of users, admittedly conducted by the firm itself, suggests that team productivity increases by around a third when they start using the soft...
9.经济学人:Slack一代 职场通讯工具如何取代其他沟通形式(上)
Business Office communication The Slack generation How workplace messaging could replace other missives 商业报道 办公通讯 Slack一代 职场通讯工具如何取...
10.经济学人:中国的消费大军 依旧活跃(下)
The dynamism of the mostly-private consumer sector comes not from stimulus, argues Andy Rothman of Matthews Asia, an investment firm, but from strong ...