1.经济学人:疑欧派 狡猾的计划
Eurosceptics 疑欧派 A cunning plan 狡猾的计划 Eurosceptics adopt an old Marxist technique 欧洲怀疑论者采用了古老的马克思主义技术 BRUSSELS-BASHING is n...
2.经济学人:法国改革 出租车战争
French reforms 法国改革 Taxi wars 出租车战争 A case study of vested interests trying to fight off new competitors 既得利益者排斥新竞争者的个案分析 PAR...
3.经济学人:燃气价格 能源产业之争
Gas prices 燃气价格 Fuel on the fire 能源产业之争 Another cheap shot at energy firms misses the mark 又一次对能源企业的失败算计 GIVEN the parlous stat...
4.经济学人:货币政策 长期低息
Monetary policy 货币政策 A long low note 长期低息 Why interest rates can be expected to stay low for years 为什么可以肯定利率在未来数年都会维持在低位...
5.经济学人:德国社会抚恤金 方向错误
Germany's public pensions 德国社会抚恤金 In the wrong direction 方向错误 The government is reversing some of its predecessor's sensible pension reform...
6.经济学人:太阳能发电厂 蓝色的钢铁海洋
Solar farms 太阳能发电厂 Blue steel 蓝色的钢铁海洋 British fields adopt a new crop 英国大地上种起了新庄稼 Let's take it to Spain 我们把它搬去西班牙吧 ...
7.经济学人:楼市 温和战略
Housing 楼市 Modest plans 温和战略 The government goes back into housebuilding 政府重回地产建设 WHEN George Osborne is spotted outsideWestminster, he ...
8.经济学人:养老金 随用随取的钱罐
Pensions 养老金 Pot luck 随用随取的钱罐 The chancellor hands more freedom to retirees 财政大臣给予退休人员更多的自由 GET out those cruise brochuresret...
9.经济学人:奥斯本将军 财政大臣诡计连连
Bagehot 白芝浩 General Osborne 奥斯本将军 The chancellor's fifth budget was full of trickeryyet utterly serious 财政大臣发布的第五个财政预算诡计连连但...
10.经济学人:国民健康保险制度 遇冷的医改
The NHS 国民健康保险制度 Health reform in a cold climate 遇冷的医改 The government's reforms to the NHS are viewed as its biggest failure. They are be...