1.经济学人:非洲企业家 求知若饥虚心若愚(下)
Becoming a proper incubator has proved tricky. 成为一个真正的孵化器非常困难的。 Hypercube in Zimbabwe closed in 2015 after operating for less than two...
2.经济学人:非洲企业家 求知若饥虚心若愚(上)
Bussiness 商业 Entrepreneurs in Africa: Hurdles for hubs 非洲企业家:中心障碍 The going is tough for African Tech-Hubs and startup incubators. 对于非...
3.经济学人:逐步加速 特斯拉将打入大众市场(下)
Bringing any new car to market burns cash, and Tesla has been busy raising funds. 新车上市特别烧钱,因此特斯拉公司一直忙于筹集资金。 On March 24th Ten...
4.经济学人:逐步加速 特斯拉将打入大众市场(上)
Bussiness 商业 Tesla: Revving up, a bit 特斯拉:逐步加速 The electric car manufacturer increases deliveries. 特斯拉公司扩大生产。 ELON MUSK, a Silicon...
5.经济学人:产业升级 手机成全新的旧事物(下)
In time for MWC the International Telecommunication Union, a UN agency, agreed on the specifications for 5G: 世界移动通信大会结束后,来自英国的国际电...
6.经济学人:产业升级 手机成全新的旧事物(上)
Business 商业 Mobile Phones: The new old thing 手机:全新的旧事物 Conformity, nostalgia and 5G were on show at the Mobile World Congress. 在世界移动通...
7.经济学人:集团牺牲 三星解散战略部门(下)
The Future Strategy Office had come to represent the concentration of elite power that South Koreans are so fed up with, 未来战略室曾代表着韩国人厌烦...
8.经济学人:集团牺牲 三星解散战略部门(上)
Business 商业 Samsung: Group sacrifice 三星:集团牺牲 South Korea's giant disbands its controversial strategy unit. 韩国巨头解散了它名下富有争议的战略...
9.经济学人:印度阿鲁沙之家 增多的房间(下)
Paying up to six months' deposit for a city flat is beyond their means, as is the down payment for a motorbike that would allow them to live far from ...
10.经济学人:印度阿鲁沙之家 增多的房间(上)
Business 商业 Aarusha Homes: Room to grow 阿鲁沙之家:增多的房间 The road to Indian prosperity is paved with cheap and cheerful hostels. 印度繁荣之路...