1.经济学人316:发射飞机 让电磁感应来验证
Science and technology 科学技术 Launching aircraft 发射飞机 Proof by induction 让电磁感应来验证 In the future, airliners could be catapulted into the ...
2.经济学人315:恐龙行为 疯狂撞头的家伙
Science and technology 科学技术 Dinosaur behaviour 恐龙行为 Headbangers 疯狂撞头的家伙 Evidence of duelling dinosaurs 战斗性恐龙的证据 WORKING out how...
3.经济学人314:三维压制 第三世界的发展空间
Science and technology 科学技术 3D printing 三维压制 A third-world dimension 第三世界的发展空间 A new manufacturing technique could help poor countrie...
4.经济学人313:太阳能飞机 莱特附体?
Science and technology 科学技术 Solar-powered aircraft 太阳能飞机 The Wright stuff? 莱特附体? An enthusiastic inventor hopes to sell sun-powered plan...
5.经济学人312:无人驾驶飞机 呼叫这里是你的地面飞行员
Science and technology 科学技术 Pilotless aircraft 无人驾驶飞机 This is your ground pilot speaking 呼叫,这里是你的地面飞行员 Autonomous civil aircraf...
6.经济学人311:超级计算 更深奥的思维
Science and technology 科学技术 Supercomputing 超级计算 Deeper thought 更深奥的思维 The world has a new fastest computer, thanks to video games 多亏电...
7.经济学人310:表观遗传学与健康 祖母的诅咒
Science and technology 科学技术 Epigenetics and health 表观遗传学与健康 Grandma's curse 祖母的诅咒 Some of the effects of smoking may be passed from g...
8.经济学人309:节肢动物学 情人为食
Science and technology 科学技术 Arachnology 节肢动物学 Having a mate for dinner 情人为食 Male spiders make the supreme sacrifice for their children 雄...
9.经济学人308:集资科技 积跬步致千里
Science and technology 科学技术 Crowdfunding science 集资科技 Many a mickle makes a muckle 积跬步致千里 These days, anyone can be a scientific philant...
10.经济学人307:精神身体医学 好好反省一下吧
Science and technology 科学技术 Psychosomatic medicine 精神身体医学 Think yourself well 好好反省一下吧 You can. But it helps to think well of yourself...