Science and technology 科学和技术 Computer vision 计算机模拟视觉 Eye robot 你是我的眼 Poor eyesight remains one of the main obstacles to letting robot...
Science and technology 科学及技术 Human communication 人类交流 Gesture politics 形体政治学 People talk a lot, but their hand signals may convey more u...
3.经济学人133:塑料 旧法新用
Science and Technology Plastics There and back again 科技 塑料 旧法新用 An old idea may help solve the problem of plastic waste 一个老方法也许可以帮助...
4.经济学人132:延长寿命 谢啦,老妈!
Science and Technology Extending lifespan Thanks, Mum! 科技 延长寿命 谢啦,老妈! An obscure group of animals may reveal the secret of elongating life...
Science and Technology Policing The aftershocks of crime 科技 治安 犯罪余震 An idea borrowed from seismology may help to predict criminal activity 从...
Science and Technology Pesticides Smoking them out 科技 农药 把它们熏死 Tobacco extracts protect plants from pests and pathogens 烟草提取物可用于植物...
Science and Technology Pollution in the Himalayas Time to call the sweep? 科技 喜马拉雅山受到了污染 是时候呼吁清扫了吗? Soot gets everywhere. Even in...
8.经济学人128:色情与政治 应付自如
Science and Technology ornography and politics Rising to the occasion 科技 色情与政治 应付自如 Electoral victory brings a surprising consequence: the ...
Science and Technology Animal obesity The fat cat cometh 科技 动物肥胖 肥猫报到 It is not just human beings that are getting fatter. Animals are, too ...
10.经济学人126:红酒过敏 酒鬼们的烦恼
Science and Technology Allergy to wine The oenophile's lament 科技 红酒过敏 酒鬼们的烦恼 An explanation for a most unfortunate condition 这件不幸的事...