1.经济学人195:塞尔维亚的外交政策 分裂的忠诚
Serbia's foreign policy 塞尔维亚的外交政策 Divided loyalties 分裂的忠诚 Serbia is torn between its old ally, Russia, and the European Union 塞尔维亚在...
2.经济学人194:英国军队 变化的力量
The British Army 英国军队 A changing force 变化的力量 The British Army is taking on a radical new shape 英国军队正在发生彻底的改头换面 LIEUTENANT Chri...
3.经济学人193:智能高速 道路开拓者
Smart motorways 智能高速 Tailblazers 道路开拓者 How to make life easier for motorists without building new roads 无需费力新路造,司机生活更美好 IDLING...
4.经济学人192:美国和中东 重返伊拉克
America and the Middle East 美国和中东 Back to Iraq 重返伊拉克 By combining military force with political brinkmanship, America is making some headway...
5.经济学人191:来自俄罗斯的援助 普京的公关部队
Russia's aid convoy 来自俄罗斯的援助 Putin's PR coup 普京的公关部队 Russia offers to send aid to eastern Ukraine 俄罗斯表示愿意为乌克兰东部地区提供援...
6.经济学人190:酒类消费 烈酒级别
Alcohol consumption 酒类消费 The spirit level 烈酒级别 The Chinese are drinking more 中国人越喝越多了 Boosting their CVs 改进履历 LI JUN, a constructi...
7.经济学人189:南非城市现状 支离破碎
South African cities 南非城市现状 Still worlds apart 支离破碎 Urban communities remain divided along racial lines. Can that be changed? 城市社区依然按...
8.经济学人188:意大利议会 高级服务生
Italy's parliament意大利议会High-class errand boys高级服务生Parliamentary workers are facing a cut in their generous pay议会的工作人员们面临着丰厚薪水...
9.经济学人187:威尔士语 龙之旋律
The Welsh language 威尔士语 Dragonian measures 龙之旋律 Government meddling has created a new Welsh dialect 政府干预创造了一种新威尔士方言 Pay attenti...
10.经济学人186:古巴及外围世界 旧友重拾
Cuba and the outside world 古巴及外围世界 Rekindling old friendships 旧友重拾 Cuba is once again resorting to geopolitics to support a failing economy...