1.经济学人175:阿富汗选举 有效的转折
Afghanistan's election 阿富汗选举 A useful crisis 有效的转折 A fudge between two feuding presidential candidates may offer a political road map 两个长...
2.经济学人174:巴拿马草帽 守住你的帽子
Panama hats 巴拿马草帽 Hold onto your headwear 守住你的帽子 Ecuador makes them and wants you to know it 厄瓜多尔制造了这种帽子并希望你去了解它 HATS ha...
American spies in Germany 美国间谍在德国 Up pops anotherand another 一个一个冒出来 The Americans are snooping even on Germany's anti-snooping committe...
4.经济学人172:日本电子企业 苹果你挡住了我的阳光
Japanese electronics firms 日本电子企业 Eclipsed by Apple 苹果,你挡住了我的阳光 Electronics companies in Japan are starting to turn themselves around...
5.经济学人171:莱克星顿 马克罗·鲁比奥和他的安全网
Lexington 莱克星顿 Marco Rubio and the safety net 马克罗鲁比奥和他的安全网 The Republican Party should take the Florida senator's ideas seriously 共和...
Farish Jenkins 法里什詹金斯 Farish Jenkins, paleontologist and polymath, died on November 11th aged 72 法里什詹金斯,古生物学家、博学者,卒于11月11日...
Beate Gordon 贝雅特戈登 Beate Sirota Gordon, interpreter of Japan to Americans, died on December 30th, aged 89 贝雅特希洛塔戈登,美国的日本翻译官,于2...
8.经济学人168:格鲁吉亚的历史 糟糕的位置
Georgia's history 格鲁吉亚的历史 Bad location 糟糕的位置 Despite its unhappy history and dire geography, Georgia is doing well 虽然历史坎坷,位置糟糕...
9.经济学人167:影讯猎杀本拉登 美国之夜
New film: Zero Dark Thirty 影讯:猎杀本拉登 American night 美国之夜 The OBL thriller has landed 本拉登来袭 KATHRYN BIGELOW'S superb new thriller about...
10.经济学人166:传统社会 不绕弯子
Traditional societies 传统社会 No beating about the bush 不绕弯子 America's best-known geographer shows what there is to learn from early man 美国最为...