1.经济学人:鸟类数量锐减 是天灾还是人为?
Britain Bird numbers Out of the woods 英国 鸟类数量 离开树林 Good news on the bird populationbut not for everyone 鸟类数量的捷报但并非对所有人 British...
2.经济学人:土耳其能与德国"联姻" 双重国籍该如何对待?
Europe Dual citizenship in Germany 德国 双重国籍在德国 Jus sanguinis revisited 血统主义死灰复燃? How not to treat people with more than one passport ...
3.经济学人:苏格兰可再生能源崛起 或因独立遭受重击
Britain Renewable energy in Scotland 英国 苏格兰的可再生能源之路 Caution to the wind 小心风力 How independence might threaten one of the SNPs favourit...
4.经济学人:一周要闻 印度经济增长迅猛 沙特为优步提供35亿美元融资
Yusuf Alireza unexpectedly quit as chief executive of Noble Group, Asia's biggest commodities-trading firm. 亚洲最大商品贸易商来宝集团(Noble Group)...
5.经济学人:一周要闻 苹果在中国商标权诉讼中败诉 法员工因工作无聊向老板索赔
The torrent of mergers in the health-care industry kept flowing. 卫生保健行业的合并计划接连不断。 IMS Health and Quintiles agreed to combine in a 9 bi...
6.经济学人:一周要闻 欧洲中央银行将停发500欧元大钞
The world this week-Business Europe's big banks followed the trend of their American counterparts with generally dismal first-quarter earnings. 本周经...
7.经济学人:一周要闻 三菱汽车油耗测试造假股价一度跳楼 欧盟反垄断斗争开辟新战线
The world this week-Business 本周经济要闻 The European Union opened up a new front in its antitrust battle with Google by accusing the company of usin...
8.经济学人:一周要闻 国际足联14年首亏前主席工资遭公开 保时捷高管获无罪开释
Football's governing body, FIFA, posted its first annual loss since 2002, citing increased development expenses and higher competition costs. 足球主管...
9.经济学人:一周要闻 制药巨头瓦兰特四面楚歌 苹果公司的悲喜交加
The world this week-Business The saga at Valeant rumbled on 本周经济要闻 加拿大制药公司瓦兰特的故事仍在继续。 Michael Pearson decided to quit as chief...
10.经济学人:疫苗 及时一针(下)
Some outbreaks in eastern Europe have started in communities of Roma (gypsies). 东欧的某些疾病爆发于罗马(吉普赛人)的社区, Members of this poor and ...