1.Record Amount of Algae Threatens Economy, Wildlife on Caribbean Coasts
搜索 复制 Record Amount of Algae Threatens Economy, Wildlife on Caribbean Coasts Near-record amounts of algae, or water plants, are covering Caribbean...
2.Study: World’s Wildlife More at Risk Than Realized
搜索 复制 New research published last week in the publication Communications Biology suggests the world's wildlife may be in more trouble than scienti...
3.More Female Sea Turtles a Result of Florida’s Hot Summers
搜索 复制 Florida's sea turtle population is changing because of hot weather. Recent heat waves in the southern state have made the sand on the beache...
4.Scientists Find Evidence of Oldest Dark Matter in Universe
搜索 复制 Scientists Find Evidence of Oldest Dark Matter in Universe Researchers say they have discovered evidence of the oldest dark matter ever obse...
5.‘Black Widow’ Is Heaviest-known Neutron Star
搜索 复制 Space scientists have observed what they believe is the most massive known example of an object called a neutron star. It has been called a ...
6.Saving Small Fish as Big US River Dries Up
搜索 复制 On a recent afternoon, vehicles moved up and down the dry riverbed of the Rio Grande River, near Albuquerque, New Mexico. The drivers had a ...
7.NASA to Launch Two More Helicopters to Mars
搜索 复制 NASA is launching two more small helicopters to Mars as part of its effort to return Martian rocks and soil samples to Earth. Under the plan...
8.VOA科学技术2022--用VR建立虚拟手术室 医生成功分离巴西一对头部连体双胞胎
搜索 复制 VR Technology Helps Doctors Successfully Separate Joined Twins A team of doctors has used virtual reality technology to prepare for an opera...
搜索 复制 Mammals can produce their own body heat and control their body temperatures. This process is known as endothermy or warm-bloodedness. Scient...
10.T. rex Debate: One or Three?
搜索 复制 Tyrannosaurus Rex, or T. rex, has long been one of the most famous dinosaurs. Now, researchers are debating whether the giant meat-eating ty...