1.Brazil Rejects Offshore Oil Drilling Request from State Oil Company
Brazil Rejects Offshore Oil Drilling Request from State Oil Company Brazil's environmental agency recently refused to give oil company Petrobras permi...
2.Dispute Centered around Redevelopment of Historic Tokyo Park, Stadiums
Dispute Centered around Redevelopment of Historic Tokyo Park, Stadiums Tokyo's governor is a major supporter of a building project that is raising con...
3.VOA新闻杂志2023 特斯拉希望通过新的制造工艺降低成本
At a recent event for investors, Tesla presented an idea that may change the way cars are made around the world. 在最近的一次投资者活动上,特斯拉提出...
4.VOA新闻杂志2023 泰国迎来大选
Thailand will hold an election on May 14 after nearly 10 years under a military-led government. 泰国将于5月14日举行大选,此前近10年来,泰国一直由军政...
5.VOA新闻杂志2023 乌军宣称击落俄"匕首"导弹
Ukraine said Saturday that it shot down one of Russia's hypersonic missiles using an American-made defense system. 乌克兰周六表示,该国使用美国制造的...
6.VOA新闻杂志2023 伊朗企业因违反戴头巾规定被关闭
Iranian officials have been shutting down businesses that they say violate the law requiring women to wear head covers called hijabs. 伊朗官员一直在关...
7.VOA新闻杂志2023 加州积雪融化或引发洪涝灾害
This winter, the U.S. state of California received unusually large amounts of rain and snow. 今年冬天,美国加利福尼亚州遭遇了异常大的雨雪天气。 Now, p...
8.VOA新闻杂志2023 巴西为打击校园暴力加强武装安保
On April 5, a man killed four children in a Brazilian daycare center. 4月5日,一名男子在巴西一家日托中心杀害了四名儿童。 In the weeks since, Brazilian...
9.VOA新闻杂志2023 巴西一土著妇女获得戈德曼环境奖
Alessandra Korap, a Munduruku Indigenous woman from the Brazilian Amazon, has been awarded a 2023 Goldman Environmental Prize. 巴西亚马逊的蒙杜鲁库土...
10.VOA新闻杂志2023 突尼斯在严重干旱期间夜间切断供水
Because of severely dry conditions, Tunisia has ordered water to be rationed with little warning to the people there. 由于严重干旱,突尼斯下令对水进行...