
123 英国爆发种族骚乱 八十多名警察受伤

时间:2005-04-29 16:00:00



123 英国爆发种族骚乱  八十多名警察受伤

More Than 80 Police Officers Injured in British Race Riots
Laurie Kassman
8 Jul 2001 08:55 UTC

More than 80 police officers were injured in clashes in race 1)riots Saturday night in the northern English city (of Bradfor). Witnesses say the violence (2)erupted when white men shouted racial slurs1 at south Asian youths, who responded by attacking and wounding one of the white men. Some community leaders are blaming an extreme right-wing political party for 3)stirring up the trouble.
Police say calm has been restored after hundreds of angry youngsters threw 4)gasoline bombs and bricks at police officers who were trying to break up the race riots. At least two people were 5)stabbed and more than 80 police officers injured in the clashes, some of them seriously. At least 28 people have been arrested.
Asian community leaders blame supporters of the extreme-right National Front Party for fueling tensions when they tried to hold a 6)parade in a mostly south-Asian neighborhood of Bradford.
The Anti-Nazi League marched through the streets to protest the National Front parade, which police had banned. Asian youths taking part in the protest march 7)clashed with members of the white supremacist party.
Bradford is the fourth British city to experience race riots in recent weeks. 8)Ethnic minorities represent about 15 percent of Bradford's population of nearly 500,000, mostly 9)immigrant families from Bangladesh and Pakistan. The National Front party has called for non-white immigrants to be sent home.

(1) riot[5raIEt]n.暴乱, 骚动v.骚乱, 参加骚动
(2) erupt[I5rQpt]vt.喷出vi.爆发
(3) stir up v.激起, 鼓动, 煽动
(4) gasoline[5^AsEli:n]n.汽油
(5) stabbed v.刺,中伤,刺穿
(6) parade[pE5reId]n.游行
(7) clash[klAF]n.冲突, 撞击声, 抵触v. 猛撞, 冲突
(8) ethnic[5eWnIk]adj.人种的, 种族的, 异教徒的
(9) immigrant[5ImI^rEnt]adj.移民的, 移居的n.移民, 侨民



1 slurs f714abb1a09d3da4d64196cc5701bd6e     
含糊的发音( slur的名词复数 ); 玷污; 连奏线; 连唱线
  • One should keep one's reputation free from all slurs. 人应该保持名誉不受责备。
  • Racial slurs, racial jokes, all having to do with being Asian. 种族主义辱骂,种族笑话,都是跟亚裔有关的。

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