
221 普京声称俄美达成协议但未取得突破性进展

时间:2005-04-29 16:00:00



221 普京声称俄美达成协议但未取得突破性进展

Putin: Russia-US Agreement Good Progress, No Breakthrough
Larry James
23 Jul 2001 16:26 UTC

Russian President Vladimir Putin says an agreement he reached with President George Bush linking missile defense1 with nuclear arms reduction represents good progress but cannot be considered a 1)breakthrough. Mr. Putin's comments [Monday] came as Russian media began criticizing the Russian leader for allegedly giving in to Mr. Bush and his plans for a missile defense system.
Mr. Putin said no one should 2)misinterpret the deal reached with Mr. Bush Sunday in Genoa at the G-8 summit. In remarks on Russian TV, he said he and Mr. Bush had expressed interest in trying to further reduce each country's nuclear 3)arsenal2.
He termed that aspect of Sunday's agreement as the most serious recent achievement. Mr. Putin also said he considered it very important that the two leaders had agreed that antimissile defense systems and offensive weapons should be regarded together. He said the two are connected.
Russian newspapers are characterizing the 4)outcome of the Putin-Bush talks as Russia 5)yielding to American pressure. A report in the 6)influential business daily Vedomosti interpreted the news as evidence that Russia is ready to agree to U.S. missile defense plans in exchange for cuts in the U.S. missile arsenal. A headline in Kommersant, which is owned by one of Mr. Putin's staunchest critics, said "Russia Surrendered." The accompanying article said that Mr. Putin was showing that he will not respond in a major way if Washington decides to scrap3 the 1972-Anti Ballistic Missile treaty.
Russia has been adamantly4 opposed to any changes in the ABM treaty, which it views as the 7)cornerstone of international 8)stability. Moscow is worried that if America goes ahead with plans to 9)deploy its planned anti-missile system it could lead to another 10)arms race - something Russia cannot afford.
Washington has said the United States could 11)withdraw from the ABM treaty if it stands in the way of its plans for a missile defense system.

(1) breakthrough[5breIkWru:]n.突破
(2) misinterpret[mIsIn5t:prIt]vt.曲解
(3) arsenal[5B:sEn(E)l]n.兵工厂, 军械库
(4) outcome[5aJtkQm]n.结果, 成果
(5) yield to屈服, 让步
(6) influential[InflJ5enF(E)l]adj.有影响的, 有势力的
(7) cornerstone[5kC:nEstEJn]n.墙角石, 基础
(8) stability[stE5bIlItI]n.稳定性
(9) deploy[dI5plCI]v.展开, 配置
(10) arms race n.军备竞赛
(11) withdraw from v.退出, 离开




1 defense AxbxB     
  • The accused has the right to defense.被告人有权获得辩护。
  • The war has impacted the area with military and defense workers.战争使那个地区挤满了军队和防御工程人员。
2 arsenal qNPyF     
  • Even the workers at the arsenal have got a secret organization.兵工厂工人暗中也有组织。
  • We must be the great arsenal of democracy.我们必须成为民主的大军火库。
3 scrap JDFzf     
  • A man comes round regularly collecting scrap.有个男人定时来收废品。
  • Sell that car for scrap.把那辆汽车当残品卖了吧。
4 adamantly 04699ef05bc87f24be84234d05697dbc     
  • "Come over here,"he told her adamantly. “到这边来,”他对她坚定地说。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • His family were adamantly opposed to the marriage. 他的家人坚决反对这门亲事。 来自《简明英汉词典》

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