
北师大初中英语九年级(全一册)--Unit 6-24

时间:2011-03-28 03:31:26



[00:00.87]Unit 6 The Spirit1 of Sports
[00:05.10]Lesson 24
[00:09.88]Exercise 1.2
[00:11.90]On July 13, 2001 at a meeting of the
[00:15.80]International Olympic Committee2 in Moscow,
[00:19.12]Beijing was chosen to be the host city for the
[00:22.03]2008 Olympics.
[00:24.54]When the results came out,
[00:26.27]Beijing's streets were crowded with thousands
[00:28.67]of people celebrating the success.
[00:31.76]Beijing's slogan3 for the 2008 Olympics is
[00:35.14]"New Beijing,Great Olympics."
[00:38.49]Beijing had promised to host a "Green
[00:40.61]Olympics," a "Hi-tech Olympics," and a "
[00:43.66]people's Olympics."
[00:45.84]The city of Beijing had the idea of hosting
[00:49.01]the Olympic Games several years before 2001.
[00:53.34]The Chinese were fully4 prepared and confident
[00:55.95]in the success.
[00:57.76]The people of Beijing said,
[00:59.81]"Give Beijing a chance and we will show you how
[01:02.64]much more we can do for the Olympic movement5."
[01:06.13]The IOC was also confident that Beijing could
[01:09.25]make the 2008 Olympics a great success.
[01:13.04]More importantly, the IOC believed that the
[01:16.27]Beijing Olympics would have special influence
[01:19.27]on China and on sports.
[01:21.84]Four other cities competed6 for hosting the
[01:24.26]Olympics besides Beijing.
[01:26.66]They were Istanbul, Turkey; Osaka, Japan;
[01:30.99]Paris, France ; and Toronto, Canada.
[01:34.39]Interestingly, of all the five cities,
[01:36.84]Beijing had more support from citizens7 than
[01:39.27]other cities.
[01:41.46]A survey showed that 94.9 percent8 of the people
[01:45.24]of Beijing wanted to have the Olympic Games in
[01:49.78]In contrast9 ,surveys in Paris and in Toronto
[01:54.15]showed only about two thirds of the people
[01:57.01]supported the idea of having the Olympic Games
[01:59.90]in their city.
[02:07.12]Exercise 2.2
[02:09.69]The 29th Olympic will be held in Beijing in
[02:15.17]Beijing citizens are excited and they are
[02:17.59]talking a lot about what they should do for the
[02:19.94]Olympic Games.
[02:21.96]Here our reporter joins a group of middle
[02:24.38]school students in their regular English
[02:26.86]activity "Meet in English Corner."
[02:30.08]Their topic for today is "Let's all help to
[02:33.13]make the Beijing Olympics a great success."
[02:36.54]Let's listen to their ideas and suggestions.
[02:40.56]Hello, everyone. Glad to see you again.
[02:44.08]Today we are going to talk about what we can do
[02:46.78]to make the 29th Olympics more successful.
[02:51.46]What are your ideas?
[02:53.19]Please, Zhu Jianming.
[02:56.13]The Organizing Committee must be very busy.
[02:59.13]Shall we volunteer to help our local organizing
[03:03.11]They must need a lot of people to
[03:04.43]share the work.
[03:06.43]What's your suggestion, Liu Li?
[03:09.31]Why don't we look for information
[03:11.24]on the Internet about the Olympics?
[03:14.18]So we can work together with our local
[03:17.17]community10 to have more people understand
[03:19.75]the spirit of the Olympics.
[03:22.41]That's a good idea.
[03:24.28]Let's see if there are more ideas?
[03:27.06]I think English is very important for
[03:29.35]such a big international Games.
[03:32.53]We should help more people to learn
[03:34.37]and speak English.
[03:36.79]I agree with you.
[03:38.33]English will be more important in 2008.
[03:41.52]What's your name please?
[03:43.85]Zhao Xinping.
[03:46.52]Oh, we have a new friend today.
[03:49.26]Would you please introduce yourself
[03:50.90]and say something?
[03:52.74]My name is Xu Wei.
[03:54.70]I think we can do something to make our city
[03:57.13]more beautiful.
[03:58.86]Let's go and visit the local community
[04:01.91]and see if we can do something to
[04:03.75]help improve the environment.
[04:05.92]That's great.
[04:07.23]We want to have a "Green Olympics", right?



1 spirit CvGwC     
  • You're feeling her spirit.你感受着她的精神。
  • His selfless spirit is worth praising.他的无私精神值得赞扬。
2 committee KXLzT     
  • We referred the matter back to the Finance Committee.我们把这事转回给财政委员会处理。
  • I am going to speak out against the committee's decision.我打算直言反对委员会的决定。
3 slogan rxiwB     
  • Such a slogan will bind our hand and foot.这个口号会约束我们的手脚。
  • "service with a smile”is the store's slogan.“微笑服务”是那家商店的口号。
4 fully Gfuzd     
  • The doctor asked me to breathe in,then to breathe out fully.医生让我先吸气,然后全部呼出。
  • They soon became fully integrated into the local community.他们很快就完全融入了当地人的圈子。
5 movement TF0xr     
  • The police are keeping a watch on his movement.警方密切注视着他的动向。
  • We are friends of labour movement.我们是工人运动的支持者。
6 competed b3524af480061f2179b528696e6466cd     
v.竞赛( compete的过去式和过去分词 );竞争;比得上;参加比赛(或竞赛)
  • The two girls competed with each other for the highest mark. 这两个女孩为夺得最高分而竞争。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • Some 1000 athletes competed in 20 events. 约1000名运动员参加了20个项目的比赛。 来自《简明英汉词典》
7 citizens 48355fccef9c8c1802283f2d98403cb6     
公民( citizen的名词复数 ); 国民; 市民; 平民
  • Older people should not be treated as second-class citizens . 不应把老年人当二等公民对待。
  • They are treated as third-class citizens. 他们被当成三等公民对待。
8 percent 3MSxl     
  • The goal was missed by less than one percent.差不到百分之一就完成目标了。
  • Forty percent of her money is spent on books.她把百分之四十的钱用来买书。
9 contrast MZZy7     
vt.使与…对比,使与…对照;vi. 与…形成对照;n.对比,对照,差异
  • In contrast with her sister,she is very tall.与姐姐相比,她个子很高。
  • Black hair is a sharp contrast to the white skin.黑发白肤形成鲜明的对照。
10 community EXEyj     
  • I work in the community school.我在社区学校工作。
  • There is a bakery in our community.我们小区有一个面包房。

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