
北师大版高中英语模块4--Unit12CultureShock Lesson1-1

时间:2011-03-31 01:19:44



[00:04.05]Unit 12 Culture Shock Lesson 1 Visiting Britain
[00:10.22]Dear Aunt Mei:
[00:11.96]I can't believe I've been in London
[00:13.98]for 6 months already!
[00:15.83]I certainly owe1 you an apology
[00:17.30]for not writing more often.
[00:19.10]I've just been so busy studying
[00:20.98]and trying to absorb all
[00:22.24]the new things around me
[00:23.96]I think I'm still experiencing culture shock.
[00:26.64]There is so much here that
[00:28.24]is different from home.
[00:29.73]But you'll soon experience it all yourself!
[00:32.52]I wish your visit wasn't going to be
[00:34.19]so brief but there's a lot we can do
[00:36.16]and see in a week.
[00:37.68]I'm just so glad you can afford
[00:39.66]to visit me and I refuse to let you pay
[00:41.90]for anything while you're here!

[00:44.50]I don't know what your expectations
[00:46.10]are of London,
[00:47.44]but knowing that you've never traveled
[00:48.96]outside of Asia,
[00:50.31]I thought I'd tell you a bit
[00:51.41]about what you can expect to find.



1 owe wKjxk     
  • We still owe one hundred dollars for the car.为这部车我们还欠着100美元。
  • We owe it to society to make our country a better place.把国家建设得更美好是我们对社会应尽的责任。

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