
北师大版高中英语模块4--Unit12CultureShock Lesson1-2

时间:2011-03-31 01:20:31



[00:01.86]First of all, the food.
[00:03.60]When I first got here,
[00:04.47]I was amazed1 to find that London
[00:06.29]is such an international city.
[00:08.44]There are people from all over the world
[00:10.47]living here and as a result,
[00:12.40]there are many international restaurants.
[00:14.70]Do you know that almost every town
[00:16.47]in Britain has at least one Chinese restaurant?
[00:19.48]But British people hardly ever eat Chinese
[00:21.80]food for breakfast.
[00:23.35]You're going to have to get used to bacon2
[00:25.20]and eggs with a few slices of toast
[00:27.23]for breakfast over here, Aunt Mei!

[00:29.71]And a word of advice.
[00:31.38]To avoid getting confused3 about the British
[00:33.47]tipping system, you need to check your bill
[00:35.96]to see if a tip is included or not.
[00:38.20]If it isn't, I suggest leaving 10%
[00:40.77]of the bill for the waiter or waitress
[00:43.17]even a bit more if the service is good.
[00:45.49]Talking of money-it's really easy
[00:47.59]to exchange traveller's cheques at banks
[00:49.78]or hotels so I advise you to get some
[00:52.05]of those before you come.



1 amazed 9zYzBk     
adj.吃惊的,惊奇的v.使大为吃惊,使惊奇( amaze的过去式和过去分词 )
  • Just the size of the place amazed her. 仅仅地方之大就使她十分惊奇。
  • I was amazed at her knowledge of French literature. 她的法国文学知识之丰富使我大为惊奇。
2 bacon vPny9     
  • He is frying the bacon.他在煎咸肉。
  • This bacon is too salty for me.这块熏咸猪肉我觉得太咸了。
3 confused Yp1z8     
  • They asked so many questions that they confused me.他们问了许多问题,都把我弄糊涂了。
  • A wise man is never confused.智者不惑。

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