
北师大版高中英语模块4--Unit12CultureShock Lesson3-2

时间:2011-03-31 01:23:18



[00:01.73]But my host kept on putting more food
[00:04.27]in my rice bowl.
[00:05.88]They didn't seem to hear me saying
[00:07.72]"No, thank you" in my poor spoken Chinese.
[00:10.86]This was a very special experience
[00:12.73]I had in China.In my culture,
[00:14.87]you don't get more food
[00:16.10]if you don't ask for more.

[00:19.73]I had a similar experience the last time
[00:22.56]I visited China.
[00:24.82]The Chinese are the friendliest people
[00:26.59]I have every met.
[00:28.20]After my visit to a Chinese family,
[00:30.57]my friend's grandfather
[00:31.92]wouldn't let me go to the bus station alone,
[00:34.64]he insisted1 on walking me
[00:35.83]to the station to see me off.
[00:37.96]I kept saying that I knew the way my self2,
[00:40.23]but it just did not work.
[00:41.88]What he did was amazing.
[00:43.81]This will not happen in many other cultures,
[00:45.45]I guess. Tom

[00:47.96]Chinese people are very modest3 too.
[00:50.84]Last time, when I visited China,
[00:52.78]we saw the tour guide
[00:53.97]wearing a very pretty for coat
[00:55.90]on the day we left.
[00:57.25]I told her the coat suited her,
[00:59.05]but she looked very embarrassed4,
[01:01.02]saying that it was a cheap one she had boutht
[01:03.07]a long time ago. I was surprised.
[01:05.47]In my culture, when people say nice things
[01:07.51]about us, we feel very happy and say thanks.



1 insisted 99b46e1329c7884faca2135354192446     
  • Figlio, vai anche tu a vedere spesso il sangue? -insiste' il nonno. 他爷爷继续说:“我儿,你也常去卖血?”。 来自互联网
2 self OZoxZ     
  • Everybody should do good self work.每人必须做好自己的工作。
  • By doing that he showed his true self.他那样做显示了他的本性。
3 modest 9Esxo     
  • Don't you be so modest.你别老跟那谦虚。
  • He's a very modest man.他是个很谦逊的人。
4 embarrassed vtrztT     
  • He was very embarrassed to hear people speak so highly of him.他听见别人这样夸他,感到很难为情。
  • He is somewhat embarrassed.他稍微有点窘迫。

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