
北师大版高中英语模块5--Unit 14 Careers Lesson3-1

时间:2011-03-31 03:10:00



[00:00.00]Unit 14 Careers
[00:05.30]Lesson 3
[00:07.29]The Road to Success
[00:09.13]As a child,Wang Junyan never dreamed of
[00:12.33]becoming a famous TV personality.
[00:14.90]"I never thought about going on TV,
[00:16.92]because my family didn't even have one
[00:18.64]until I was in high school!"she explained.
[00:21.28]Now Wang Junyan is the anchor1
[00:23.59]for Universe TV's news programs.
[00:26.67]I asked her how she had achieved success,
[00:29.54]and she told me that curiosity,perseverance,
[00:33.24]and a commitment2 to truth,
[00:35.04]made her the success she is today.
[00:37.87]It was my mother that taught me to be curious.
[00:40.23]She had a great love of nature,
[00:42.14]and she taught me to be interested
[00:43.60]in plants and insects,"she told me.
[00:46.34]"We would trun over stones,
[00:48.07]and look at the little creatures
[00:49.23]that crawled3 away.
[00:50.59]I loved doing that,"remembered Wang.
[00:52.99]She said,"My mother was a strong character.
[00:56.21]Although life was not easy for her,
[00:58.08]she never complained
[00:59.15]and was full of determination.
[01:01.92]She worked extremely hard to support me
[01:03.67]through school,and my time at Fudan University
[01:06.45]in Shanghai.
[01:07.88]Her attitude towards life and truth,
[01:09.92]will never stop
[01:10.81]influencing my thoughts and actions."



1 anchor LLGyW     
  • Letters from home were an anchor to him when he worked abroad.他在国外工作时,家书是他的精神支柱。
  • The ship dragged her anchor during the storm. 船在暴风雨中拖动了锚链。
2 commitment uX0zS     
  • The builder had a commitment to finish the work on time.那个承建商答应过准时完工。
  • He made a commitment to pay the rent on time.他保证按时付房租。
3 crawled a78e9c621de0ba13445c28d21d24a6d3     
v.爬( crawl的过去式和过去分词 );(昆虫)爬行;缓慢行进;巴结
  • They crawled along on their bellies. 他们匍匐前进。
  • She crawled onto the river bank and lay there gulping in air. 她爬上河岸,躺在那里喘着粗气。 来自《简明英汉词典》

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