
美国英语听力80篇3 Lesson57

时间:2011-04-01 03:48:07



[00:05.12]American researchers say a new, low-fat substitute1 for butter could reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke2 for millions of people.
[00:17.76]The new food product is made from vegetable oil with added substances called sterol esters.
[00:26.15]Sterols are known to reduce harmful cholesterol3 in the blood.
[00:31.97]Harmful cholesterol increases the risk of heart attack.
[00:36.81]Cholesterol is found in meat and milk products.
[00:42.14]Sterol esters are similar in structure to cholesterol.
[00:47.12]However, sterols come from plant oils.
[00:50.73]The new,low-fat product is called Take Control.
[00:56.32]It contains sterol esters from soybeans.
[01:00.58]Take Control is one of two food products designed to reduce cholesterol.
[01:07.92]The other,called Benecol, contains plant stanol esters from the wood of pine trees.
[01:16.07]The United States Food and Drug Administration4 approved both products last year.
[01:23.67]Earlier studies have shown that eating Benecol for several months reduces harmful cholesterol levels as much as fourteen percent.
[01:35.09]The new study involved 224 people with moderate5 to high levels of harmful cholesterol.
[01:45.85]All the people ate a diet of lowfat,low-cholesterol foods for five weeks.
[01:53.37]One group of people ate a common low-fat product on bread and other foods.
[01:59.56]Another group ate one gram of Take Control daily.
[02:05.05]The other group ate two grams of it each day.
[02:09.75]Researchers say the harmful cholesterol levels of those who ate Take Control daily dropped more than 8%.
[02:18.11]The harmful cholesterol levels of people who had the common low-fat spread rose more than two percent



1 substitute cstwr     
  • Can you substitute for the singer who is ill?你能替一下那位得了病的歌手吗?
  • Yogurt is a perfectly acceptable substitute for cream in cooking.酸奶是烹饪用的特别受欢迎的奶油替代品。
2 stroke ZtJw8     
n.笔画,击打,连续的动作,中风,心跳;vt.奉承,轻抚; vi.击打,心跳...
  • He drove in a nail with one stroke of the hammer.他一锤就把钉子敲进去了。
  • He broke the lock with one stroke of the hammer.他一锤就把锁砸坏了。
3 cholesterol qrzzV     
  • There is cholesterol in the cell of body.人体细胞里有胆固醇。
  • They are determining the serum-protein and cholesterol levels.他们正在测定血清蛋白和胆固醇的浓度。
4 administration mJLyZ     
  • Who is in charge of the administration of your company?你们公司的行政工作由谁负责?
  • The teachers are responsible to the school administration.教师向学校行政负责。
5 moderate N69zs     
  • You should moderate your language when children are present.在孩子面前,你说话应该有节制。
  • The wind is moderate today.今天的风很柔和。

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