
wher's the bathroom

时间:2006-01-02 16:00:00



  [00:00.0024.Where's the bathroom?
[00:11.60]Where's the bathroom?
[00:16.56]Could you tell me how to get to the restroom1?
[00:23.41]Which way is the bathroom?
[00:30.28]Down the hall,to the right.
[00:36.34]Take a left here,then go upstairs2.It should be the second door on the left.
[00:47.20]It's this way.I'll show you.
[00:53.16]It's next to the kitchen,on the right.
[01:00.24]Go straight3.It's the last door on the left.
[01:10.09]Where's the bathroom?(Down the hall,to the right.)
[01:14.45]Could you tell me how to get to the restroom?(Down the hall,to the right.)
[01:20.01]Where's the bathroom?
[01:23.25](Take a left here,then go upstairs.It should be the second door on the left.)
[01:29.50]Which way is the bathroom?
[01:32.87](Take a left here,then go upstairs.It should be the second door on the left.)
[01:39.03]Could you tell me how to get to the restroom?
[01:43.00](It's this way.I'll show you.)
[01:46.66]Which way is the bathroom?(It's this way.I'll show you.)
[01:51.70]Which way is the bathroom?(It's next to the kitchen,on the right.)
[01:56.87]Where's the bathroom?(Go straight.It's the last door on the left.)



1 restroom cjBzzG     
  • Can I go to the restroom?我能去洗手间吗?
  • I go to restroom more than five times a day.我一天上厕所五次以上。
2 upstairs kjTwO     
  • He would prefer to meet me downstairs rather than upstairs.他宁愿在楼下见我,而不愿在楼上。
  • I think I'll go upstairs and have a sleep.我想上楼去睡一觉。
3 straight Atxws     
  • His hair is dark and straight.他是黑色直头发。
  • Just go straight forward and you'll find the post office.邮局就在前边。

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