
校园英语 unit 14

时间:2006-01-03 16:00:00



校园英语口语 Unit14:School is over

School is over.

Let's play basketball.

Sounds nice.

But the court is not free.

What a pity!

Do you want to play basketball?


Join us, ok?

I'd love to.

You are so tall.

Are you a center?

No, I'm a forward.

And you?

I'm a guard.

How tall are you?


You really are a giant.

Come on, pass me the ball.

Hey, do you want to play basketball with us?

I love to.

You are so tall.

You must be a center.

That's right.

You can easily block others, can't you?

A piece of cake.

And my rebounds1 are also not bad.


You are like an NBA professional2.

In fact, I'm the captain of our school team.

School is over.

Let's play basketball.

Sounds nice.

But the court is not free.

What a pity!

Do you want to play basketball?


Join us, ok?

I'd love to.

You are so tall.

Are you a center?

No, I'm a forward.

And you?I'm a guard.

How tall are you?

1.95m.You really are a giant.

Come on, pass me the ball.

Hey, do you want to play basketball with us?

I love to.

You are so tall.

You must be a center.

That's right.

You can easily block others, can't you?

A piece of cake.

And my rebounds are also not bad.

I'm fantastic

You are like an NBA professional.

In fact, I'm the captain of our school team.

School is over.

Let's play basketball.

Sounds nice.

But the court is not free.

What a pity!

Do you want to play basketball?

Yes.Join us, ok?

I'd love to.

You are so tall.Are you a center?

No, I'm a forward.

And you?

I'm a guard.

How tall are you?


You really are a giant.

Come on, pass me the ball.

Hey, do you want to play basketball with us?

I love to.

You are so tall.

You must be a center.

That's right.

You can easily block others, can't you?

A piece of cake.

And my rebounds are also not bad.

I'm fantastic

You are like an NBA professional.

In fact, I'm the captain of our school team.




1 rebounds 87b0c2d1da6e752183ab26d425c5acd4     
反弹球( rebound的名词复数 ); 回弹球; 抢断篮板球; 复兴
  • V is the velocity after the gas particle rebounds from the wall. V是粒子从壁上弹开后的速度。
  • In the former case, the first body rebounds with practically its original velocity. 在前一种情况下,第一个物体实际上以原来的速度弹回。
2 professional T1ZzR     
  • He is a professional tennis player.他是一名职业网球运动员。
  • I need a professional to sort out my finances.我需要专业人士为我管理财务。

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