
新标准初中英语第三册--MODULE 2 Experiences

时间:2012-12-13 06:18:48





[00:00.00]MODULE 2 Experiences

[00:01.65]模块 2  经历

[00:03.30]Unit 1Have you everentered a competition?


[00:07.30]Listening and vocabulary1


[00:09.67]1 Listen and number thewords and expressions2 asyou hear them.


[00:46.53]3 Listen and read.

[00:50.28]3 听一听,读一读。

[00:54.04]Tony:So what's your penfriend's name, Lingling?


[00:57.59]Lingling:Sally Maxwell,and she's from ParkSchool in London.

[01:00.13]玲玲: 萨利·麦克斯韦,她来自伦敦的花园学校。

[01:02.67]Tony:Has she visitedChina before?


[01:05.23]Lingling:No, she hasn't.But I sent her a DVDabout China and she'swatched it.


[01:12.46]And she has enjoyed mymessages about my lifehere in Beijing. So Ithink she'll like ithere.


[01:19.41]Tony:What about you,Lingling? Have you everwanted to travel aroundthe world?


[01:24.48]Lingling:Yes, I have.I've always wanted to goto the USA and Europe.


[01:30.40]And Sally has invited meto stay with her inEngland one day. Theproblem is the price ofthe ticket.


[01:37.75]Tony:Well, guess what!Have you looked attoday's newspaper?There's a competition.


[01:44.54]“Take off from BeijingCapital Airport and landin London. Write about awonderful experience.


[01:52.53]The first prize is theholiday of your dreamsin England.”What do youreckon? Have you everentered a competition?


[02:00.85]Lingling:No, I haven't!It sounds brilliant4!


[02:05.00]5 Work in pairs. Ask andsay what Lingling andSally have or haven'tdone.

[02:11.54]5 两人合作。询问和说说玲玲和萨利已经做过和还没有做过的事情。

[02:18.08]Now listen againand check.


[03:34.16]Pronunciation andspeaking


[03:40.19]7 Work in pairs.Now listen and repeat5.

[03:43.99]7 两人合作。现在听录音并跟读。

[03:47.78]1 Have you ever wantedto travel around theworld?


[03:52.70]c:Yes, I have. I'vealways wanted to travelaround the world.


[03:58.65]2 Have you ever entereda competition?a:No, I haven't. Ihaven't entered anycompetitions.

[04:03.63]2 你曾经参加过竞赛吗?a:不,没有。我没有参  加过任何竞赛。

[04:08.60]3 Have you ever visitedNew York?b:No, I haven't. I'venever visited the USA.

[04:13.24]3 你曾经访问过纽约吗?b:不,没有。我从没有去过美国。

[04:17.87]Unit 2Wei Ming has beenall over China by plane.


[04:27.06]Reading and vocabulary


[04:29.53]2 Read the passage anddecide who and what youcan see in the photo.


[04:36.90]Have you ever had ... afantastic experience?Wei Ming has been allover China by plane.


[04:46.05]Her father is an AirChina captain, so theyfly to different placesfor their holidays.


[04:52.97]“My favourite place isMount Tai. But I alsolike the beaches inSanya.”


[05:00.08]Is there anywhere shehasn't visited?“I'venever been toShanghai!”


[05:05.51]Han Li has been to SanFrancisco in the USA.His grandparents livethere and he visits themevery Spring Festival.


[05:16.02]“I like San Franciscovery much becausethere's a lot to see anddo there. I'm at home inChinatown!”says Han Li.


[05:26.21]Yi Wen has triedwestern food in a hotelin Nanjing.“Have youever had Italian food?


[05:36.76]It's delicious! Pizzahas always been my favo-urite food. But I don'tlike sandwiches or icecream-they're too cold!”


[05:46.03]Wang Ming has been toa Liu Huan concert inBeijing with more than2,000 people.


[05:52.91]“He's given concertsall over China and thetickets have always soldout.


[05:58.42]He's written manysongs! He's the greatestChinese musician ...ever!”says Wang Ming.


[06:05.57]He Meifeng went to aBeijing cinema to seeThe6 House of the FlyingDaggers because she'salways liked Zhang Ziyi.


[06:15.20]At the end she got up,and Zhang Ziyi was inthe seat beside her.


[06:20.92]“I've always wanted tomeet her. It wasmy‘dream come true’!”


[06:25.99]Write a short passageabout your fantasticexperience. The firstprize is the holiday ofyour dreams in England!


[06:35.82]Unit 3Language in use

[06:39.30]第三单元 语言的运用

[06:42.78]Language practice


[06:44.77]6 Listen and check (√)the correct answers.

[07:26.75]6 听录音,勾出正确的答案。

[08:08.74]7 Listen again andanswer the questions.

[08:51.49]7 再听一遍,回答问题。

[09:34.25]WorkbookMODULE 2 Experiences

[09:36.55]练习册模块2 经历

[09:38.84]Listening andpronunciation


[09:41.86]9 Listen and number thesentences in Activity 8in the order that youhear them.


[11:26.79]10 Listen to thesentences. Does the endof each sentence go upor down?

[11:32.27]10 听句子。每句结尾的语调是升调还是降调?

[11:37.75]1 Are you ready to do  that?2 Have you been on radio  before?

[11:41.49]1 你准备好做那件事了吗?2 你以前上过电台吗?

[11:45.23]3 Have you ever won  a competition?4 Have you been to  America?

[11:49.20]3 你曾经过赢得竞赛吗?4 你去过美国吗?

[11:53.18]Now listen again andrepeat.


[12:13.10]Reading and writing


[12:18.37]11 Read the passage and  choose the best title7.A Living in AustraliaB Happy to go homeC A happy family

[12:25.69]11 阅读短文,选择最好   的标题。A 澳大利亚的生活B 很高兴回家C 幸福的家庭

[12:33.01]Mike Robinson is a15-year-old Englishschoolboy. His sisterClare is 14.


[12:41.22]At the moment, Mike andClare are at a school inSydney, one of thebiggest cities inAustralia.


[12:49.42]They have been there fortwo years.


[12:52.17]They like the school,but they know that soonthey will leave andreturn to England withtheir parents.


[12:59.76]Mike and Clare havealso been to schools inAmerica, Germany, Franceand China.


[13:04.04]This is because theirfather, Peter, works8 fora very big internationalcompany.


[13:14.77]The company has officesin many differentcountries.


[13:18.68]The company has sentPeter to work in manydifferent countries.


[13:23.38]Peter usually stays inone country for abouttwo years.


[13:28.55]Then the company moveshim again. His familyalways goes with him.


[13:34.98]The Robinsons are ahappy family and loveseeing the world.


[13:40.15]Mike and Clare havelearnt to speak French,German and a littleChinese.


[13:46.87]The two children havefriends all over theworld. But they are gladthat they are going toreturn to England.


[13:55.15]Recently, the childrentold their parents,“Wewant to stay in England.


[14:00.86]We don't want to moveagain.”Their fatheragrees and has asked hiscompany to keep him inEngland.


[14:08.42]The company has agreed.Mike and Clare are veryhappy about this.


[14:14.20]Words and expressionsModule 2

[14:15.46]单词和短语模块 2




[14:27.11]country/'k╘ntri/n.国家take off 起飞before/bi'f╛:/adv.以前prep.&conj.在……之前



[14:37.34]brilliant/'brilj╓nt/adj.<口>好极了dream/dri:m/n.梦想;梦v.(dreamed, dreamt;dreamed,dreamt)做梦;梦想


[14:49.11]come true 成为现实abroad/╓'br╛:d/adv.在国外;到国外fantastic/f╗n't╗stik/adj.极好的



[14:59.41]pizza/'pi:ts╓/n.比萨饼sandwich/'s╗ndwid╜/n.三明治more than 超过,多于

[15:03.43]sell/sel/v.(sold,sold)卖sell out 卖光musician/mju'zi╞n/n.乐手;音乐家dagger/'d╗g╓/n.匕首;短剑



[15:18.03]stone/st╓un/n.石头climb/klaim/v.爬;攀登roast9 duck/r╓ust d╘k/烤鸭palace/'p╗l╓s/n.宫殿





1 vocabulary 8hVw0     
  • How can I widen my vocabulary?怎样扩大自己的词汇量?
  • You can find all the new words in the vocabulary of the text.你能在课文的词汇表中找到所有的生词。
2 expressions 1476dfb963d54c697399a79fafa90151     
n.表情( expression的名词复数 );表示;(数学)表达式;词
  • ritualized expressions of grief 以例行的方式表达悲伤
  • The fashionable remarks of today often become the commonplace expressions of tomorrow. 今天的时髦话往往变成明天的陈词滥调。 来自《简明英汉词典》
3 DVD DVD     
n.数码影碟(digital versatile disk)
  • DVD systems are rapidly taking the place of videos.数字影碟设备正在迅速取代录像。
  • This DVD player is damaged.这个DVD机坏了。
4 brilliant DsKzr     
  • You should picture to yourself the brilliant future ahead of us.你该想象一下我们光明灿烂的前途。
  • It was such a brilliant piece of writing.这真是一篇才华横溢的文章。
5 repeat 6VQxI     
  • There will be a repeat of this talk next week.下星期将重播这次讲话。
  • History will not repeat itself.历史不会重演。
6 seethe QE0yt     
  • Many Indians continue to seethe and some are calling for military action against their riotous neighbour.很多印度人都处于热血沸腾的状态,很多都呼吁针对印度这个恶邻采取军事行动。
  • She seethed with indignation.她由于愤怒而不能平静。
7 title locwU     
  • I don't think I am worthy of such an honourable title.这样的光荣称号,我可担当不起。
  • She has won the title of the world's champion.她获得了世界冠军的称号。
8 works ieuzIh     
  • We expect writers to produce more and better works.我们期望作家们写出更多更好的作品。
  • The novel is regarded as one of the classic works.这篇小说被公认为是最优秀的作品之一。
9 roast vXox9     
  • There's a piece of roast beef.这儿有一块烤牛肉.
  • Put the meat into the oven to roast.把肉放到炉子里去烤。

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