
新标准初中英语第三册--MODULE 5 Western music

时间:2012-12-13 06:21:32




[00:00.00]MODULE 5 Western music

[00:01.68]模块 5 西方音乐

[00:03.36]Unit 1 You like westernclassical music, don'tyou?

[00:06.35]第一单元   你喜欢西方的古典音乐,是吗?

[00:09.34]Listening and vocabulary


[00:12.08]1 Listen and decidewhich type of musicthe people in the photoplay.

[01:05.12]1 听录音,判断照片上的人演奏的是什么类型的音乐。

[01:58.15]2 Listen again. Matchthe words with themusic.

[02:52.01]2 再听一遍,把单词和音乐连接起来。

[03:45.86]3 Listen and read.

[03:49.57]3 听一听,读一读。

[03:53.27]Tony:I like this music!     Who's it by?Lingling:Well, I'm notsure, but Sally's schoolorchestra is playing it.


[04:09.45]Betty:It's by Strauss.You've heard of him,haven't you?Lingling:Yes, I have.He was German,wasn't he?


[04:18.51]Betty:No, he wasn't.He was Austrian4. He wasborn in Vienna,the capital of Austria3.


[04:25.86]Daming:What's it called?Betty:The Blue Danube.The Danube is the riverin Vienna.


[04:34.45]Lingling:You likewestern classical1 music,don't you?Betty:Yes, I do.


[04:39.32]Lingling:Who's yourfavourite classicalcomposer?


[04:42.26]Betty:Beethoven. But Ialso like pop music.You listen to pop music,don't you?Lingling:Yes, I love it!


[04:51.46]Betty:But Sally is aclassical musician,so she doesn't like popmusic, does she?


[04:57.71]Lingling:No,she doesn't.I think she'll liketraditional BeijingOpera.


[05:03.51]Tony:Hmm, it's certainlyvery ... traditional,isn't it?Daming:I'm a fan of rap5.


[05:16.17]Tony:Hey!     Give us a break!Lingling:What on earth         is that?


[05:24.38]Daming:Rap music.Tony:I don't believe it!


[05:30.81]4 Check the people and  the types of music  they like.Now listen againand check.

[06:26.89]4 核对人物和他们喜欢的音乐种类。现在再听一遍,检查答案。

[07:22.97]Pronunciationand speaking


[07:28.14]7 Listen to the speakerasking a real question...

[07:30.58]7 听说话人问一个确定了答案的问题……

[07:33.02]You like classicalmusic, don't you?... and to the speakerchecking information.

[07:36.10]你喜欢利…… 为说话人核对信息。

[07:39.19]You like classicalmusic, don't you?


[07:42.38]Now listen and write *if the speaker is askinga real question or ** ifshe is checkinginformation.

[07:47.51]现在再听一遍,如果说话人对答案是确定的就写 *,如果说话人是为了核对信息就写**。

[07:52.65]1 You've heard of him,  haven't you?2 He was German, wasn't  he?

[07:56.15]1 你听说过他,是吗?2 他是德国人,是吗?

[07:59.66]3 You listen to pop  music, don't you?4 She doesn't like pop  music, does she?

[08:04.13]3 你听流行音乐,是吗?4 她不喜欢流行音乐,是吗?

[08:08.60]Unit 2 Vienna is thecentre of Europeanclassical music.

[08:14.78]第二单元 维也纳是欧洲古典音乐的中心。

[08:20.95]Vocabulary and reading


[08:23.16]2 Read the passage andcheck (√) the truesentences.


[08:28.68]Vienna is a beautifulold city on the riverDanube.


[08:33.33]It's the capital city ofAustria and the centreof European classicalmusic.


[08:40.16]From 1750 a lot ofcomposers and musicianscame to study and workin Vienna.


[08:48.21]The most famous familyof musicians was theStrauss family.


[08:53.56]There were twocomposers called JohannStrauss:a father and ason.


[08:59.97]The father, JohannStrauss the elder, wroteand played music for aclassical dance-awaltz.


[09:08.93]His waltzes made himfamous all over Europe.


[09:12.88]The son, JohannStrauss the younger, waseven more successful andpopular than his father.


[09:21.04]He wrote more than 400waltzes and his mostfamous one was The BlueDanube.


[09:28.89]He wrote it in 1867.Strauss and Mozart7 weretwo of the mostimportant composers6.


[09:38.04]Mozart was born inAustria in 1756. Beforehe was six he played notonly the piano, but alsothe violin and the organ


[09:51.74]His family took himaround Europe and hegave concerts in manycities.


[09:58.34]He wrote his first operaat the age of 12 andhundreds of beautifulpieces of music for theclassical orchestra2.


[10:07.79]But he died in 1791 whenhe was only 35. Somepeople say he was thegreatest Europeancomposer.


[10:18.91]Unit 3 Language in use

[10:22.38]第三单元 语言的运用

[10:25.86]Language practice


[12:33.28]WorkbookMODULE 5 Western music练习册模块 5 西方音乐

[12:37.98]Vocabulary, listeningand speaking


[12:41.23]6 Listen and say whatkind of music it is.  That's jazz.

[13:53.33]6 听录音,说出这是什么种类的音乐。  这是爵士乐。

[15:05.43]7 Work in pairs. Listenagain and say what youthink about each type ofmusic.

[16:13.52]7 两人合作。再听一遍。说出你对每种音乐的看法。

[17:21.62]Listening andpronunciation


[17:27.99]8 Listen to theconversation and check(√) the true sentences.

[18:13.00]8 听谈话,勾出正确的句子。

[18:58.01]9 Listen and write * ifthe speaker is asking areal question or ** ifthe speaker is checkinginformation.

[19:05.76]听录音,如果说话人对答案是确定的就写 *,如果说话人是为了核对信息就写**。

[19:13.50]1 It's by George  Gershwin, isn't it?2 He wrote an opera,  didn't he?

[19:16.74]1 它是乔治·格什温的作品,是吗?2 他写出了一部歌剧,是吧?

[19:19.98]3 It's a great song,  isn't it?4 Most operas don't have  jazz music, do they?

[19:23.78]3 它是一首伟大的歌曲,不是吗?4 大部分歌剧中没有爵士乐,是吧?

[19:27.58]5 People are still  listening to it,  aren't they?

[19:29.63]5 人们仍然在听它,不是吗?

[19:31.67]Now listen again andrepeat.


[19:53.78]Reading and writing


[19:59.04]10 Read the passage.Complete the questionswith Who or What, andchoose the correctanswers.

[20:03.54]10 阅读短文,用Who或What完成疑问句,并选择正确的答案。

[20:08.03]Vanessa-MaeThe young violinistVanessa-Mae was thefirst musician to usetechno,


[20:16.07]dance and rock music intraditional classicalmusic. Vanessa-Mae lovedpop music,


[20:23.20]and she was also a verygood classicalviolinist, and shebrought the two kinds ofmusic together.


[20:30.29]Vanessa-Mae was bornin Singapore on October27, 1978. She moved toLondon with her familywhen she was four.


[20:40.22]A year later, shestarted to learn theviolin.


[20:44.06]When she was eight, shewent to Beijing to studythe violin.


[20:48.15]When she was ten, sheplayed with a veryfamous group ofclassical musicians.


[20:53.55]But Vanessa-Mae doesn'tonly play the violin.She learnt the pianobefore she started toplay the violin.


[21:00.68]She likes lotsof different kinds ofmusic, from Beethovento the Beatles,


[21:06.24]and she wants to playthe music she likes.


[21:08.91]Not only has she playedin classical concertsall over the world,


[21:12.86]but she has also playedin pop concerts with popstars.


[21:16.54]A lot of people don'tlike the way she usesmodern rhythms8, noisydrums and guitars intraditional music.


[21:23.66]But Vanessa-Mae has doneone important thing:shehas brought many newfans to classical music.


[21:30.51]For the first time, manyyoung people began tolisten to classicalmusic.


[21:35.53]Words and expressionsModule 5

[21:36.83]单词和短语模块 5 西方音乐









[22:01.66]fan/f╗n/n.(体育、音乐、电影等的)狂热爱好者,迷rap/r╗p/n.说唱乐on earth 究竟




[22:19.09]die/dai/v.死,去世addition/╓'di╞n/n.添加;添加物in addition to 除……以外rest/rest/n.剩余部分


[22:29.82]instrument/'instrum╓nt/n.乐器of course 当然type/taip/n.种类



[22:40.45]recording studio/ri'k╛:di╕ 'stju:di╓u/录音室record/ri'k╛:d/v.录(音)record/'rek╛:d/n.唱片




1 classical IV0yK     
  • This classical poem is hard to understand.这首古诗很费解。
  • She listens to classical music for relaxation.她听古典音乐放松。
2 orchestra 90OyN     
  • He plays the violin in an orchestra.他在管弦乐队中演奏小提琴。
  • I was tempted to stay and hear this superb orchestra rehearse.我真想留下来听这支高超的管弦乐队排练。
3 Austria SyQzhP     
  • Austria lies to the southeast of Germany.奥地利位于德国东南。
  • I always confuse Australia with Austria.我总是把澳大利亚同奥地利弄混。
4 Austrian WyvzhN     
  • Napoleon divorced his French wife in order to marry an Austrian princess. 为了娶一位奥地利公主,拿破仑和他的法国妻子离了婚。 来自英汉非文学 - 历史
  • Lanny recollected the beautiful Austrian country through which he had passed. 兰尼回想起他经过的美丽的奥地利国家。 来自辞典例句
5 rap SABzi     
  • I heard a rap on the door.我听到有轻轻的敲门声。
  • Today we are going to rap about relationships.今天我们要聊聊关系的问题。
6 composers b11a3645fa003a4e39e4239cab85f06e     
n.(尤指古典音乐)作曲家( composer的名词复数 )
  • He excels all other composers of his period. 他胜过同时代的所有其他作曲家。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Composers write music that is more easily comprehensible without sacrificing originality. 作曲家写出既更易为人们理解,又不失其个人独创风格的音乐作品。 来自辞典例句
7 Mozart GnSzgp     
  • Mozart was a great musician.莫扎特是伟大的音乐家。
  • Will we ever see the like of Mozart again?我们还会再见到莫扎特那样的天才吗?
8 rhythms 0250aacb232e3ea3b1313a0ce838eaa1     
节奏( rhythm的名词复数 ); 规则变化; 规律; 节律
  • Double rhythms, resounding through the lyric depiction and connecting with each other, indicate the thespian place of mankind and the cognition of the writer to this thespian place. 这双重旋律互为表里,表明了人类的某种悲剧性处境以及作家对这种悲剧性处境的感受和认识。
  • Stylistically, the term implies loose, rapid painthandling, large rhythms and broken colour. 从风格上来说,这个名称意味着松散而迅速的绘画笔触,奔放的格调,使用强烈配色。

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