
新标准初中英语第四册--Module 4 New technology

时间:2012-12-13 06:57:31




[00:00.00]Module 4 New technology

[00:03.23]模块四 新技术

[00:06.46]Unit 1If you want to record,press the red button.


[00:11.45]Listening and vocabulary1


[00:13.60]1 Listen and say what is  happening.

[00:41.28]1 听录音,说出正在发生的事情。

[01:08.96]2 Answer the questions.  Use the words in the  box to help you.  Now listen again and  check.

[01:39.31]2 根据方框中的单词的提示,回答问题。现在再听一遍,检查答案。

[02:09.67]3 Listen and read.

[02:11.63]3 听一听,读一读

[02:13.59](Irish2 music, with aviolin ...)Lingling:That's lovely!Who's playing?


[02:40.54]Sally:That's us! ChenHuan wants a recordingfor his programme3, andhe lent me his CDrecorder.


[02:47.39]The orchestra4 waspractising some Irishmusic yesterday, so Irecorded it.


[02:53.16]Tony:How does it work?


[02:54.75]Daming:Let's look at theinstructions.“If youwant to turn on therecorder, press the bluebutton.


[03:01.85]If you want to playback, press the greenbutton.”


[03:05.63](The same Irish music)Daming:You've done that.Tony:“... and if youwant to record, pressthe red button.


[03:35.24]If the red light doesn'tcome on, wait for thirtyseconds.”OK, let's try.


[03:41.32]Daming:Is it working?


[03:42.80](Playback:Is itworking?)


[03:45.82]Tony:Yes, it is.“Ifyou want to send yourrecording by email,connect the recorderto your computer.


[03:52.99]If there's no greenlight, choosethe‘copy’symbol.”


[03:57.28]Lingling:And are youplaying the violin?Sally:No, that's my bestfriend Kylie. She playsreally well.


[04:05.52]Lingling:But why do youwant to send Chen Huan arecording of Kylieplaying?


[04:10.48]Sally:Well, she's myfriend, and it'simportant for her.


[04:14.96]Lingling:But it'simportant for you, too,Sally.


[04:18.00]Betty:I think Chen Huanwants to hear you onStarsearch, not Kylie.


[04:22.96]Come on, Sally. Where'syour violin? Tony,press“record”!


[04:28.92]Tony:OK! Ladies and gen-tlemen, please welcomeour star musician ...Sally Maxwell!All:Hooray!


[04:41.04]4 Answer the questions.  Now listen again and  check.

[05:58.53]4 回答问题。现在再听一遍,检查答案。

[07:16.02]Pronunciationand speaking


[07:18.50]7 Listen and repeat5.

[07:20.39]7 听录音,并跟读

[07:22.28]If you want to turn onthe recorder, press theblue button. If you wantto play back, press thegreen button.


[07:33.77]Unit 2If a snake bites6 you,take a photo.


[07:38.88]Reading and vocabulary


[07:41.00]3 Read the passage and  check if you guessed  correctly in Activity  2.

[07:44.57]3 读课文,看看在活动二中的你猜测得是否正确。

[07:48.13]Smile, please!


[07:50.26]If a snake bites you,take a photo with yourmobile phone! It maysave your life.


[07:56.86]This is the surprisingadvice of a Britishcook.


[08:00.74]One day Henry Jacksonwas working in arestaurant kitchen.


[08:05.21]He picked up a dish fromthe table, and suddenlya snake appeared ... andbit him on the hand.


[08:12.13]A few days earlier,the snake came to therestaurant from Asia ina box of bananas.


[08:18.17]It climbed out of thebox and hid under thedish.


[08:21.89]“I went to try to pickit up and it bit meagain.


[08:25.69]I threw it across thekitchen, and it landedin the fridge. So Iclosed the door,”MrJackson said.


[08:33.57]Anyway, Mr Jacksonstayed cool and he tooka photo of the snakewith his mobile7 phone.


[08:40.41]Soon his hand began toache and he went tohospital. Then his chestbegan to hurt.


[08:47.41]Doctors couldn't saywhat was wrong becausethey didn't know whatkind of snake it was.


[08:53.49]Then Mr Jacksonremembered his mobilephone photo. The doctorssent it to London Zoo.


[09:00.45]When they knew the kindof snake,they could giveMr Jackson the rightmedicine, and he lefthospital the next day.


[09:07.73]“So my advice isthis:If a snake bitesyou, pick up your phone.


[09:13.33]Take its photo first andthen show the photo tothe doctors,”suggestsMr Jackson.


[09:19.25]“Oh, and if the snakedoesn't smile for itsphoto, don't worry!”


[09:26.97]Unit 3Language in use


[09:30.29]Language practice


[09:32.01]5 Listen and check(√)  the true sentences.

[10:00.29]5 听录音,勾出真实的句子。

[10:28.57]Words and expressions8



[10:35.95]video/'vidi╓u/n.录像video camera 录像机copy/'k╛pi/v.复制,复印/n.备份;一本

[10:41.75]memory/'mem╓ri/n.内存;记忆turn on 打开Irish/'airi╞/adj.爱尔兰的


[10:55.05]second/'sek╓nd/n.第二;秒playback/'plei,b╗k/n.录音重放come on 赶快


[11:09.84]save one's life挽救某人的生命dish/di╞/n.盘子;(一道)菜appear/╓'pi╓/v.出现



[11:32.06]medicine/'medsn/n.药物suggest/s╓'d╜est/v.建议,提出turn off 关上




1 vocabulary 8hVw0     
  • How can I widen my vocabulary?怎样扩大自己的词汇量?
  • You can find all the new words in the vocabulary of the text.你能在课文的词汇表中找到所有的生词。
2 Irish VzgzG     
  • He is from the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea.他来自爱尔兰海的马恩岛。
  • The two volumes of collected Irish Stories are printed.两卷本的《爱尔兰故事集》已经印好了。
3 programme 4kqztl     
  • Does Betty like that programme?贝蒂喜欢那个节目吗?
  • The programme is interesting.但是这个节目很好看。
4 orchestra 90OyN     
  • He plays the violin in an orchestra.他在管弦乐队中演奏小提琴。
  • I was tempted to stay and hear this superb orchestra rehearse.我真想留下来听这支高超的管弦乐队排练。
5 repeat 6VQxI     
  • There will be a repeat of this talk next week.下星期将重播这次讲话。
  • History will not repeat itself.历史不会重演。
6 bites 1159cf8ff829c7202a1c890aeeaa9329     
v.咬,叮( bite的第三人称单数 );刺痛;有咬(或叮)的习性;(人)上当
  • This cream contains a mild analgesic to soothe stings and bites. 这种乳膏含有一种性能平和的止痛剂,能缓解被螫咬后的疼痛。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • When a fish bites the hook, the float bobs. 当鱼上钩时,鱼漂上下跳动。 来自《简明英汉词典》
7 mobile l6dzu     
  • The old lady sits on a mobile chair every morning.那位老妇人每天上午坐在一把可携带使用的椅子上。
  • She's much more mobile now that she's bought a car.自从她买了汽车后,活动量就大多了。
8 expressions 1476dfb963d54c697399a79fafa90151     
n.表情( expression的名词复数 );表示;(数学)表达式;词
  • ritualized expressions of grief 以例行的方式表达悲伤
  • The fashionable remarks of today often become the commonplace expressions of tomorrow. 今天的时髦话往往变成明天的陈词滥调。 来自《简明英汉词典》

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