
新标准初中英语第四册--Module 9 Heroes

时间:2012-12-13 07:10:09




[00:00.00]Module 9 Heroes

[00:03.55]模块 9 英雄

[00:07.10]Unit 1She missed the finalpractice so that Kyliecould play.


[00:13.20]Listening and vocabulary


[00:15.22]1 Listen and answer the  questions.

[00:51.96]1 听录音,回答问题

[01:28.70]2 Answer the questions.  Use the words in the  box to help you.  Now listen again and  check.


[02:48.19]3 Listen and read.

[02:50.20]3 听一听,读一读。

[02:52.21]Tony:Not bad for aschool orchestra1! AndSally is really good atthe violin.


[03:05.45]Betty:Yes, they'refantastic! But the lastpiece is coming up. I'mlooking forward to this!


[03:12.91]Tony:The dance music? IsSally going to play thispiece?


[03:17.27]Betty:No, she missed thefinal practice so thatKylie could play thispiece of music on herown.


[03:24.38]She said her hand hurt,but that was only anexcuse.


[03:28.55]Daming:Why did she do       that?


[03:30.66]Betty:I imagine that shedid it so that Kyliecould avoid problemswith her parents.


[03:35.90]Maybe she's just tryingto help Kylie. It wasvery brave of her.


[03:41.54]Daming:I agree. It was a      very kind thought.


[03:44.98]Betty:Ssh! They'restarting to play, so bequiet!Tony:But look!


[03:50.47]Lingling:Hi, everyone.     Sorry I'm late.Tony:Look! What are     Kylie and Sally     doing?


[03:56.11]Lingling:They'restanding up becausethey're both going toplay.Betty:What happened?


[04:01.50]Lingling:Their teacherasked Kylie what wasreally wrong with Sally.


[04:06.16]Kylie knew why Sallymissed the finalpractice,


[04:10.33]so she asked theirteacher to rewrite thefinal dance music sothat two people couldplay it.


[04:18.52]Tony:Now they're bothgoing to be starstonight on Starsearch!


[04:22.64]Lingling:And I bet2 Sallywins, because she's thereal hero tonight!


[04:38.63]4 Check the true  statements.  Now listen again and  check.

[05:35.17]4 勾出真实的句子。现在再听一遍,回答问题。

[06:31.71]Pronunciation andspeaking


[06:34.31]6 Listen and underline3  the words the speaker  stresses.

[06:37.67]6 听录音,在说话者重读的单词下画线。

[06:41.03]No, she missed the finalpractice so that Kyliecould play this piece ofmusic on her own.


[06:49.36]She said her hand hurt,but that was only anexcuse.


[06:54.86]Now say the sentencesaloud.


[07:01.43]Unit 2There were few doctors,so he had to work veryhard.


[07:07.70]Reading and vocabulary


[07:10.17]2 Read the passage and  check your answers to  Activity 1.

[07:13.50]2 读课文,检查活动一中的答案。

[07:16.83]My hero-Dr4 NormanBethune


[07:21.53]Norman Bethune is one ofChina's most famousheroes, but he wasn'tChinese-he wasCanadian.


[07:30.26]He gave his life tohelping the Chinesepeople.


[07:34.38]Norman Bethune wasborn in 1890. He becamea doctor in 1916,


[07:42.23]and he went to the frontto look after injuredsoldiers in the FirstWorld War.


[07:48.01]He saw many soldiers diein the war.


[07:51.45]Later he invented newtreatments to helpsoldiers, and medicaltools to use outsidehospitals.


[07:59.93]In 1938 he came toChina to treat theChinese soldiers in themountains north ofYan'an.


[08:08.66]There were few doctors,so he had to work veryhard.


[08:13.61]He opened hospitals togive treatment to localpeople and soldiers, andto train doctors andnurses.


[08:21.51]He also wrote books sothat doctors could learnabout new treatments.


[08:27.20]Dr Bethune worked veryhard without stopping torest.


[08:32.25]Once, he performedoperations for 69 hourswithout stopping, andsaved 112 people.


[08:41.76]He continued working inspite of cutting hishand during anoperation.


[08:47.50]In the end, he diedbecause he did not stopto take care of hishand.


[08:53.83]Dr Bethune's work withthe Chinese soldiersmade him a hero inChina.


[09:00.15]There are books andfilms about him, and heis still remembered inboth Canada and China.


[09:11.06]Unit 3Language in use


[09:14.74]Language practice


[09:16.61]6 Listen and choose the  best answer.

[09:58.85]6 听录音,选择最佳答案。

[10:41.10]Words and expressions


[10:43.77]so that 目的是avoid/╓'v╛id/v.避免brave/breiv/adj.勇敢的excuse/ik'skju:s/n.借口

[10:50.78]excuse/ik'skju:z/v.原谅thought/╙╛:t/n.想法on one's own 独自,自己come up 出现,发生



[11:18.35]treatment/'tri:tm╓nt/n.治疗Dr (=doctor)医生;博士give one's life to献身于


[11:31.39]First World War第一次世界大战invent/in'vent/v.发明,创造


[11:40.34]operate/'╛p╓,reit/v.动手术operation/,╛p╓'rei╞n/n.手术in spite5 of 尽管……

[11:48.30]in the end 最后take care of 照顾



1 orchestra 90OyN     
  • He plays the violin in an orchestra.他在管弦乐队中演奏小提琴。
  • I was tempted to stay and hear this superb orchestra rehearse.我真想留下来听这支高超的管弦乐队排练。
2 bet ddZy8     
  • I bet you can't do this puzzle.我敢说,你解决不了这个难题。
  • I offered to bet with him.我提出与他打赌。
3 underline wkEwt     
  • Underline all the sentences you do not know.在你不懂的所有句子下面划一条线。
  • Please underline the noun clauses in the passage.请用线画出短文中的名词性从句。
4 Dr euozHa     
n.医生,大夫;博士(缩)(= Doctor)
  • Dr.Williams instructs us in botany.威廉博士教我们植物学。
  • The ward of the hospital is in the charge of Dr.Green.医院的这间病房由格林医生负责。
5 spite uv7wD     
  • He has modern ideas in spite of his great age.尽管他年事很高,但思想观念却很入时。
  • In spite of his anger,his remarks were restrained.他尽管生气,说的话还是有节制的。

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