
新标准初中英语第六册--MODULE 2 Education

时间:2012-12-14 03:02:04




[00:00.00]MODULE 2 Education

[00:04.42]Unit 1 It was great to       see her again.

[00:08.52]Vocabulary and listening

[00:10.93]2 Listen and complete  the sentences. Use the  words and expressions1  to help you.

[01:13.53]3 Listen and read.

[01:17.39]Betty:Hey, Tony! How was      the UK?

[01:21.17]Tony:Guess what! I saw     Sally in London.

[01:24.49]Lingling:My pen friend         Sally?

[01:26.76]Tony:Yes, Sally. The     girl who visited us     last year and     played in the     orchestra3.

[01:32.40]Lingling:Oh, that's         fantastic!         How is she?

[01:36.04]Tony:She's fine. It was     great to see her     again. I really     like her.

[01:41.09]Betty:Did you do   anything interesting   while you were there?   Did you visit her   school?

[01:46.31]Tony:Yes, I did. She     took me there     herself.Betty:What's it like?

[01:51.29]Tony:Here you are! These     are some photos of     Park School. I took     them myself.

[01:57.13]Lingling:Let's have a         look.

[01:58.52]Tony:It isn't as big as     ours. It's only got     about 700 pupils.

[02:03.69]Lingling:And how many         pupils are         there in a         class?


[02:09.81]Tony:Most classes have     got a computer and     Internet.

[02:13.63]And there are a fewscience laboratories,and a large library.

[02:17.82]And there's a swimmingpool and a huge sportsground.

[02:21.23]Lingling:But Sally likes         music.

[02:23.83]Tony:Well, there's a    music room, too. And    they have a hall for    concerts.

[02:28.50]Lingling:Which school is         better, our         school or         Park School?

[02:33.27]Tony:Both schools arevery nice. And neitherschool has anything theother hasn't got. But...

[02:40.66]Betty:But what ...?Tony:... but I prefer     our school!

[02:44.21]Daming:I bet2 we're even      better than Park      School at English!

[02:47.99]Lingling:Well, anyway,         we're all going         to get top         grades for         English!

[02:53.01]4 Complete the table.

[02:56.71]Now listen again andcheck.

[04:35.91]Pronunciation andspeaking

[04:38.09]7 Listen to the  sentences and repeat4.  Make sure you stress5  the underlined6 words.

[04:47.07]Most classes have got acomputer and Internet.

[04:51.86]And there are a fewscience laboratories,and a large library.

[04:57.28]And there's a swimmingpool and a huge sportsground.

[05:01.91]8 Work in pairs.  Underline the words  the speaker will  stress.

[05:09.48]Now say the sentencesaloud.

[05:12.72]Betty:Did you do   anything interesting   while you were there?   Did you visit her   school?

[05:18.81]Tony:Yes, I did. She     took me there     herself.Betty:What's it like?

[05:24.96]Tony:Here you are! These     are some photos of     Park School. I took     them myself.

[05:32.01]Unit 2 What's the best       thing about       school?


[05:41.14]2 Read the passage and  write a short title7  for each photo.

[05:47.45]My school lifeMy name is SallyMaxwell, and I'm 15.

[05:54.33]I've been at ParkSchool, London since Iwas 11. If I pass myexams next year, I'llstay here until I'm 18.

[06:05.11]Park School is asecondary school, about20 minutes by bike awayfrom home.

[06:11.96]Before I came here, Iwent to primary school,near my home.

[06:17.57]I started primary schoolwhen I was five andstayed there for sixyears.

[06:23.66]The school day is from8:45 am to 3:15 pm.

[06:30.29]We spend the first 10minutes in our classroomwhile our teacher checkswhich pupils are presentor absent8.

[06:37.96]Then everyone goes tothe main hall.

[06:41.42]There our head teachermakes a speech and tellsus any news about theschool.

[06:47.03]Lessons begin at 9:05and last for an hour.

[06:52.29]We have a break at 11:05until 11:20, thenanother lesson, thenlunch for an hour.

[07:01.20]We have two more lessonsbefore school finishes.

[07:05.01]This year I have 11subjects:maths, biology,chemistry, French,

[07:13.54]history, geography,music and IT, PHSE, ADTand PE

[07:24.48](these stand forInformation Technology;Personal Health andSafety Education;

[07:30.85]Art, Design andTechnology and PhysicalEducation).

[07:36.21]Fortunately, we don'thave exams in everysubject.

[07:40.63]PHSE is about thedangers of drugs9 andsmoking, among otherthings.

[07:46.50]In ADT we also do thingslike learning10 to cook aswell as drawing11 anddesign.

[07:53.60]Some people can doItalian and Spanishinstead of French, butno one is learningChinese ... yet!

[08:02.29]PE involves13 physicalexercise, basketball,

[08:07.22]training in the gym andswimming--we're reallylucky to have a swimmingpool.

[08:13.21]I took exams when Iwas 7, 10 and 14 yearsold.

[08:18.86]Next year I take myexams in eight subjects,

[08:23.25]and then I can dobetween three and fivesubjects for the examsin my final year.

[08:30.20]We have a large sportsground where we playfootball,

[08:34.55]tennis and do athleticsboth during and afterschool hours.

[08:40.66]After-school activities,such as sports clubs andlanguage societies arepopular, too.

[08:48.25]During the school yearthere are usually visitsto museums andgalleries,

[08:53.91]and to camps foractivities such asclimbing and cycling inthe country.

[08:59.30]There are parties anddiscos and a sports day,and the school play is areally important event.

[09:07.15]Once a term, there is aparents' meeting, so ourparents and teachers cantalk about our progress.

[09:15.16]What's the best thingabout school? English,history, music ... andmy friends.

[09:23.97]What's the worst thing?Homework ... and exams!

[09:30.85]Unit 3 Language in use

[09:34.69]5 Listen and number the  subjects in the order  you hear them.

[11:28.73]6 Read the passage and  say where you think it  comes from.

[11:35.52]The school day begins at8:45.

[11:40.23]Class teachers meet theclass and check who ispresent and absent atthe beginning of theday.

[11:48.08]We meet as a wholeschool once a week, onFridays.

[11:52.96]The head teacher speaksto the whole school.

[11:56.72]Morning lessons begin at9:05. There are threeone-hour lessons with afifteen-minute break.

[12:06.09]The lunch break is from1 pm to 1:45. Afternoonlessons begin at 1:50and the school dayfinishes at 4 pm.

[12:18.82]All students study andtake exams in maths,science and English.

[12:25.61]In addition14, they chooseone subject from:history, geography,Art, Design and Technolo-gy, French and Spanish12.

[12:37.05]All students take PHSElessons but no exams areoffered.

[12:43.16]After school sportspractice and matches arearranged on Wednesdayafternoon and Saturdaymorning.

[12:50.79]Chess, music, languageand theatre clubs alsoarrange meetings afterschool.

[12:57.92]Students may join asmany clubs as they like,but should join at leastone.

[13:04.46]The school has a goodrecord in sports.

[13:07.91]Last year we werechampions(冠军) infootball and tennis,

[13:11.84]and individual15 studentswon prizes for swimmingand gymnastics16.

[13:17.40]Words and expressionsModule 2


[13:23.69]PE/,pi: 'i:/(=physical education)体育;体育课

[13:27.69]really/'ri╓li/adv.非常;很;(用于强调)    实在;确实

[13:29.38]neither/'nai╖╓/pron.两者都不adj.(两者之中)均无的secondary school 中学








[13:57.38]either ... or ...要么……要么……;不是……而是……



1 expressions 1476dfb963d54c697399a79fafa90151     
n.表情( expression的名词复数 );表示;(数学)表达式;词
  • ritualized expressions of grief 以例行的方式表达悲伤
  • The fashionable remarks of today often become the commonplace expressions of tomorrow. 今天的时髦话往往变成明天的陈词滥调。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 bet ddZy8     
  • I bet you can't do this puzzle.我敢说,你解决不了这个难题。
  • I offered to bet with him.我提出与他打赌。
3 orchestra 90OyN     
  • He plays the violin in an orchestra.他在管弦乐队中演奏小提琴。
  • I was tempted to stay and hear this superb orchestra rehearse.我真想留下来听这支高超的管弦乐队排练。
4 repeat 6VQxI     
  • There will be a repeat of this talk next week.下星期将重播这次讲话。
  • History will not repeat itself.历史不会重演。
5 stress oUbzu     
  • The roof couldn't bear the stress of the snow.屋顶受不了积雪的压力。
  • My parents lay great stress on honesty.我的父母十分注重诚实。
6 underlined cfrz8L     
v.在…下面画线( underline的过去式和过去分词 );加强,强调
  • She underlined her disapproval of the proceedings by walking out. 她退席以表示不赞成这些做法。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • In his speech he underlined several points. 他在讲话中强调了几点。 来自《简明英汉词典》
7 title locwU     
  • I don't think I am worthy of such an honourable title.这样的光荣称号,我可担当不起。
  • She has won the title of the world's champion.她获得了世界冠军的称号。
8 absent pIByL     
  • I was absent last week.我上星期缺席了。
  • Some students are absent today.今天有些学生缺席了。
9 drugs 8266cbec2295ae2c548563d169e3ee28     
n.药物( drug的名词复数 );药剂;麻醉药;毒品
  • Doctors have an armoury of drugs available. 医生都备有各种各样的药物。
  • the risks associated with taking drugs 与吸毒有关的危险
10 learning wpSzFe     
  • When you are learning to ride a bicycle,you often fall off.初学骑自行车时,常会从车上掉下来。
  • Learning languages isn't just a matter of remembering words.学习语言不仅仅是记些单词的事。
11 drawing CuEzIx     
  • Drawing is my favorite lesson.画图画是我最喜欢的课程。
  • The children learn singing,dancing,drawing,and the like in the kindergarten.孩子们在幼儿园里学习唱歌、跳舞、画图画等。
12 Spanish zvGwz     
  • She grew up in Spain,so her first language is Spanish.她在西班牙长大,第一语言是西班牙语。
  • I can read Spanish but can't translate into it.我能阅读西班牙语,但不能翻译成西班牙语。
13 involves 1d53ea99ff90f36bfe464c86deb65caa     
表明(某人参与了罪行等)( involve的第三人称单数 ); 使参与; 牵涉; 使专心于
  • The job involves gathering and analysing data. 这项工作包括搜集和分析资料。
  • Most of our work now involves catering for weddings. 我们现在的工作多半是承办婚宴。
14 addition JJ5yL     
  • That is a simple addition.那是简单的加法。
  • They've just had an addition to the family.他们家里刚刚添了一口人。
15 individual E8vxY     
  • She has her own individual style of doing things.她有自己独特的行事风格。
  • Each individual house has its own yard.每栋房子都有各自的庭院。
16 gymnastics 8rqzh6     
  • Gymnastics is his favourite sport.体操是他最喜爱的运动。
  • She does gymnastics at school.她在学校做体操锻炼。

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