
新标准初中英语第六册--MODULE 4 The way we look-Workbook

时间:2012-12-14 03:05:08





[00:01.97]MODULE 4 The way we look

[00:05.58]Listening, pronunciationand speaking

[00:09.62]6 Listen to the  interview and choose  the correct answer.

[01:43.00]7 Listen again and  number the questions  as you hear them.

[03:16.38]8 Listen and underline1  the stressed2 words in  these sentences.

[03:23.59]1 What kind of articles  can kids read about?

[03:29.33]2 They want lots of  information.

[03:34.28]3 They really like it.

[03:38.82]4 So many teenage3  magazines have been  taken out of the  libraries.

[03:45.90]Now listen again andrepeat.

[04:11.50]Reading and writing

[04:13.59]10 Read the passage and   match the topics with   the paragraphs4.

[04:19.95]Fashion and theenvironment

[04:22.83]Fashion isn't veryenvironmentally-friendly

[04:26.91]because it makes peoplebuy things they don'tneed, just becausethey're new.

[04:32.70]We want to take care ofthe environment, wedon't want to pollutethe air

[04:37.82]and we don't want towaste energy andresources.

[04:41.35]But we also want to befashionable. How can webuy fashionable5 clothesand protect theenvironment?

[04:49.97]Old styles arefashionable again, soone way is to buysecond-hand clothes--recycled clothes.

[04:58.51]Another way is to buyfair trade clothes.

[05:02.75]These clothes are eitherrecycled or made in away that protects theenvironment.

[05:08.46]They also protect thepeople who make theclothes.

[05:12.25]Surprisingly, whitecotton is one of theleast environmentally-friendly crops of all.

[05:19.28]To protect the cotton,the growers usechemicals that pollutewater, make farm workersill and kill wildlife.

[05:28.48]New materials, such ashemp and bamboo, growquickly and are moreenvironmentally-friendly.

[05:36.39]These materials arevery soft, and lookfantastic.

[05:40.85]The best materials arecoloured using naturaldyes, made from plants.

[05:47.01]Environmentally-friendlyclothes are practicalbut until now they wereoften dull.

[05:54.29]Now fashion-designersare working with thesematerials and theclothes are beautiful aswell.

[06:00.75]So now we can buyfashionable clothesthat are alsoenvironmentally-friendly.



1 underline wkEwt     
  • Underline all the sentences you do not know.在你不懂的所有句子下面划一条线。
  • Please underline the noun clauses in the passage.请用线画出短文中的名词性从句。
2 stressed mhPzAJ     
  • Loud music makes me stressed out.大声的音乐让我很紧张。
  • He stressed that we should always be honest.他强调我们应该永远诚实。
3 teenage Up3wy     
  • His voice is very high for a teenage boy.对一个十几岁的男孩来说,他的嗓音很尖。
  • He is too old now for teenage parties.他年龄太大了,不适于参加少年聚会。
4 paragraphs d070fd4ebb68ed9399034d1a708e978c     
n.段落( paragraph的名词复数 );短篇报道
  • He transcribed two paragraphs from the book into his notebook. 他把书中的两段抄在笔记本上。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • The text falls into three paragraphs. 这篇课文共分3段。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
5 fashionable JlGxP     
  • She is moving in fashionable circles in New York.她活动于纽约上流社会之中。
  • We lunched in a fashionable restaurant.我们在一家上等的饭店吃午餐。

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