
新目标初中英语七年级上 Unit 7 How much are there pants? 课文 -Section A

时间:2013-04-03 05:40:31




[00:00.00]Unit 7 How much are there pants1?

[00:05.78]Section A

[00:07.76]1b Listen and circle the things

[00:12.51]in the picture you hear.

[00:16.20]How much is the hat?

[00:19.11]The hat is six dollars.

[00:22.30]And how much are the shorts?

[00:25.44]Oh,they're eight dollars.

[00:28.18]And the sweater?

[00:29.94]How much is the sweater?

[00:32.33]Let's see.

[00:33.68]The sweater is nine dollars.

[00:37.46]2a Listen to the conversation2.

[00:42.15]Circle the things you hear.

[00:47.04]Conversation 1

[00:49.35]How much is the green T-shirt?

[00:52.67]It is eight dollars.

[00:57.64]Conversation 2

[01:00.45]How much is the black bag?

[01:03.19]It is two dollars.

[01:08.42]Conversation 3

[01:10.90]How much are the red shorts?

[01:13.24]They are nine dollors.

[01:18.04]Conversation 4

[01:20.97]I like this green sweater.

[01:23.07]How much is it?

[01:25.03]It's seven dollars.

[01:29.94]Conversation 5

[01:33.08]I like big blue hats.

[01:35.52]Do you have one?

[01:37.06]Yes.I have this one here.

[01:39.96]How much is it?

[01:41.39]It's five dollars.

[01:45.76]Conversation 6

[01:48.77]I like those long,blue and yellow socks.

[01:52.23]How much are they?

[01:53.81]They're only two dollars.

[01:56.91]3a Fill3 in the blanks4 in the conversation.

[02:02.23]Can I help you?

[02:03.77]Yes,please. I want a sweater.

[02:07.28]What color do you want?


[02:10.49]Here you are.

[02:11.82]How much is it?

[02:13.57]Nine dollars.

[02:15.22]I'll take it.Thank you.

[02:17.49]You're welcome.




1 pants 8mczIr     
  • This is a pair of pants.这是一条裤子。
  • What color are his pants?他的裤子是什么颜色?
2 conversation gZyyH     
  • Conversation is one of pleasures of life.交谈是人生一大乐趣。
  • We'll carry on a conversation with her tomorrow.我们将于明天与她会谈。
3 fill AkpxL     
vt.填充,弥漫,供给,满足,供应;vi. 充满,装满;n.满足,装满,充分,填方
  • Fill the tank with water.把水槽灌满水。
  • Many people find it difficult to fill in a form.许多人发现表格填写困难。
4 blanks 2887cf079533c95f1fab81089f1c5ac2     
n.(纸等的)空白(尤指表格的空白)( blank的名词复数 );空地;(书正文前后的)空白页;空白表格(或证件)
  • Fill in the blanks with verbals. 用动词的非谓语形式填空。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Complete the following sentences by filling the blanks with proper prepositions and adverbs. 用适当的冠词和副词填空,完成下列句子。 来自《简明英汉词典》

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