
4人英语话剧剧本Peter and the Wolf 彼德与狼

时间:2013-04-24 05:57:56


   (Ladies and getlemen. Good afternoon.Today I’ll tell you a story. It is “Peter and the Wolf”.)

  Peter: Good morning everyone. What a fine day! How beautiful the green lawn1 is!
  Bird: Good morning, Peter.
  Peter: Good morning, Bird.
  Bird: It’s a fine morning, isn’t it! All is calm. All is beautiful.
  Duck: I’m a duck, you see. Peter forgot to lock the door.
  Now I’m free. How I want to have a good bath in the pool!
  (Duck jumps into the pool.)
  Bird: Hi! Who are you? You can’t fly?
  Duck: Aren’t you a bird! You can’t swim? You see. I can.
  Bird: You are a fool.
  Duck: I’m clever. You are a fool.
  Bird: You are a fool.
  Duck: I’m clever. You are a fool.
  (At this time, a black cat is coming quietly.)
  Cat: Yeh. They are quarrelling. So I have no trouble catching2 them. Look at me, please.
  Peter: Take care, Bird. Be careful, Bird.
  (So the bird flies away.)
  Duck: You are a thief. Why don’t you catch that bird?
  Bird: You are a robber3. Why don’t you rob me?
  Cat: Should I go to catch the bird? Should I?
  I’m afraid when I get there, the bird will fly away.
  Grandfather: Peter, you see. It is very dangerous here. The duck is running into the pool. If a wolf comes, what should you do then?
  Peter: I’m a young pioneer. I’m very brave. How can I dare a wolf?
  (A few minutes later. A very big, cruel wolf comes siletly.
  The black cat runs away quickly.)
  Cat, Bird: Oh,! Wolf!
  Duck: Oh! My dear. The wolf is coming. Let me run quickly.
  (How can a bird run so fast! Look, the wolf has caught the bird, and eaten him up.)
  Wolf: How I am satisfied! But I still want to catch the bird and
  the black cat.
  (Now Peter and the grandfather see what has happened. They have a good idea now.)
  Peter: Bird. Please fly over the wolf’s head. You can fly around and around him. But you should be careful enough.
  Bird: Wolf. Wolf. Can you catch me? You are a fool!
  Can you catch me? Catch me!
  (The wolf is so angry that he jumps up and down. At this moment.
  Peter and his grandfather throw a rope and catches the wolf.)
  Cat, Bird, Grandfather: Beat him. Beat him. Don’t let him run away.
  (At this moment. A group of hunters get to the forest. Listen, they are shooting at the wolf.)
  Peter: Oh, no. Bird and I have caught the wolf. Don’t kill him. Let him alive. Please help us to send him to the zoo.
  Peter, Grandfather,Hunters, Cat, Bird: Oh! Oh! Let’s go to the zoo. Let’s go to the zoo.
  (Now please look at the group: Peter, Grandfathe, Hunters,Bird and Cat. They are dragging the wolf and sending him to the zoo. How happy they are!)



1 lawn u9Bz4     
  • The lawn was crawling with ants.草坪上爬满了蚂蚁。
  • They are lying on a grassy lawn.他们躺在绿草如茵的草坪上。
2 catching cwVztY     
  • There are those who think eczema is catching.有人就是认为湿疹会传染。
  • Enthusiasm is very catching.热情非常富有感染力。
3 robber 1jhzmX     
  • The robber told the woman to come across with her purse.拦路抢劫者勒令那个女人把钱包交出来。
  • The robber tried to run away but a man tackled him.强盗企图逃跑,但一个人把他抓住了。