时间:2013-06-20 02:12:57
Rmit 口语part1各种concentration1 的问题,平时写什么东西,part 2 a close friend 怎么认识的,为什么是好朋友part 3各种friendship 的问题
【Hawthorn 1PM】Part 1 : Name, work or study, being patient; Part 2: Describe a rule in your high school; what the rule was? was it strict? did you follow the rule? Part 3: Does your country always change rules and
regulations2? do you think students should obey all rules in school.
【RMIT 1PM】 Part1 :各种concentration 的问题,平时写什么东西;Part 2: a close friend 怎么认识的,为什么是好朋友;Part 3各种friendship 的问题.