

时间:2006-06-21 16:00:00



  Protective antibody 保护抗体

  Pulmonary anthrax  肺炭疽

  Pulmonary plague 肺鼠疫

  Quarantine Ordinance 检疫令

  Radix Isatidis granules 板蓝根冲剂

  Reagent 试剂

  Respiratory tract infection 呼吸道感染

  Ribavirin (a broad spectrum antiviral drug) 三氮唑核苷,利巴韦林(广谱抗生药) (广谱抗生药)

  Richettsia 立克次体

  Seek early medical advice 早就医

  Sentinel point 哨点

  Serological testing 血清学检查

  Status of the disease 疫情

  Steroid treatment 类固醇疗法

  Strain 病毒株

  Streptococcus (a bacteria causing classical pneumonia) 链球菌

  Surveillance center 监控中心

  Symptoms: fever, chills, headache, body ache, coughing, shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, muscular stiffness, loss of appetite (anorexia), rash, diarrhea, malaise, hemolytic anemia 症状:萎靡不振,溶血性贫血

  Technical protocols 技术方案、规范

  Transmitted by droplets and direct contact with a patient's secretions 近距离飞沫和接触传播

  Virology 病毒学
