
VOA常速英语2014--Maryland Company Sends Locator to Plane Search 马里兰商号用探测器进行平面搜索

时间:2014-04-10 14:48:21




Maryland Company Sends Locator to Plane Search 马里兰商号用探测器进行平面搜索

LARGO1, MARYLAND — Experts say no one will really know what happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 until the black box - the flight recorder - is retrieved2.  Time is running out because that flight recorder only emits an audible signal - a ping - for 30 days.  The U.S. Navy has deployed3 one of its “pinger locators” to the Indian Ocean search area. 


The sound is what it's all about.  The sound coming from the black boxes - the flight data recorders that hold the key to what happened aboard Malaysia flight 370.

The locator will be towed more than 6,000 meters behind the Australian navy ship “Seahorse Standard.”  It will be submerged two-thirds of the way to the bottom of the ocean. The locator sends sounds to an acoustic4 listening device and laptop aboard the ship.


“You might hear that tiny little chirp5 and say, ‘Did you hear something?’ And then we will listen more intently and try to fine-tune it,” said Paul Nelson, who is with Phoenix6 International, the company that manufacturers the pinger locators.


Fine-tuning it, means turning the boat around and repositioning the locator to pass over the area again.  That maneuver7 takes eight hours.  And time is ticking.  The black box’s batteries can last longer than the reported 30 days, but the sound will eventually fade.


“The advertised shelf life for the pinger when it’s in the water is 30 days," said Jim Gibson, general manager at Phoenix Internatiomal. "We have individuals that have been on operations that have heard the pinger well beyond 45 days.”


The search is now centered several thousand kilometers southwest of Perth, Australia.


Following the locator, another Phoenix device could splash into the ocean. Once debris8 is identified on the ocean floor, a tool with a strong manipulator arm retrieves9 items and puts them into a box which is then hauled to the surface.


“It operates similar to what a helicopter would do," Paul Nelson said.  "It hovers10 around the bottom and moves around place to place with a video camera.”


The machine, called Remora, assisted in the recovery of Air France Flight 447 - the aircraft was lost for five days but the black box was not found until two years later.  Remora brought up the engines, computers, black boxes and more.


But it all takes time, in difficult conditions, including the effect of pressure at extreme ocean depths.


And, Remora is tiny in compared to the size of a typical debris field.


"If you don’t do it in time and in the right time, you miss items," Nelson said. "So it’s very slow and meticulous11.  Patience is required in this type of operation.”


As the search approaches three weeks, patience is not  in abundance.




1 largo H90zb     
  • The tempo marking in most cases is andante,adagio,or largo.大多数第一乐章的速度标记是行板、柔板或广板。
  • The second movement is a largo.第二乐章是广板乐章。
2 retrieved 1f81ff822b0877397035890c32e35843     
v.取回( retrieve的过去式和过去分词 );恢复;寻回;检索(储存的信息)
  • Yesterday I retrieved the bag I left in the train. 昨天我取回了遗留在火车上的包。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He reached over and retrieved his jacket from the back seat. 他伸手从后座上取回了自己的夹克。 来自辞典例句
3 deployed 4ceaf19fb3d0a70e329fcd3777bb05ea     
(尤指军事行动)使展开( deploy的过去式和过去分词 ); 施展; 部署; 有效地利用
  • Tanks have been deployed all along the front line. 沿整个前线已部署了坦克。
  • The artillery was deployed to bear on the fort. 火炮是对着那个碉堡部署的。
4 acoustic KJ7y8     
  • The hall has a fine acoustic.这个大厅的传音效果很好。
  • Animals use a whole rang of acoustic, visual,and chemical signals in their systems of communication.动物利用各种各样的听觉、视觉和化学信号来进行交流。
5 chirp MrezT     
  • The birds chirp merrily at the top of tree.鸟儿在枝头欢快地啾啾鸣唱。
  • The sparrows chirp outside the window every morning.麻雀每天清晨在窗外嘁嘁喳喳地叫。
6 phoenix 7Njxf     
  • The airline rose like a phoenix from the ashes.这家航空公司又起死回生了。
  • The phoenix worship of China is fetish worship not totem adoration.中国凤崇拜是灵物崇拜而非图腾崇拜。
7 maneuver Q7szu     
  • All the fighters landed safely on the airport after the military maneuver.在军事演习后,所有战斗机都安全降落在机场上。
  • I did get her attention with this maneuver.我用这个策略确实引起了她的注意。
8 debris debris     
  • After the bombing there was a lot of debris everywhere.轰炸之后到处瓦砾成堆。
  • Bacteria sticks to food debris in the teeth,causing decay.细菌附着在牙缝中的食物残渣上,导致蛀牙。
9 retrieves e07cf6bf3da2f0d490d60f9efc286e3f     
v.取回( retrieve的第三人称单数 );恢复;寻回;检索(储存的信息)
  • The mole comes in later, retrieves the item and packs it back in his gear. 鼹鼠随后到达,找回东西然后用他的传送装置返回。 来自电影对白
  • Retrieves the pitch of the current image, in bytes. 得到代表目前图像斜度的字节数。 来自互联网
10 hovers a2e4e67c73750d262be7fdd8c8ae6133     
鸟( hover的第三人称单数 ); 靠近(某事物); (人)徘徊; 犹豫
  • A hawk hovers in the sky. 一只老鹰在天空盘旋。
  • A hen hovers her chicks. 一只母鸡在孵小鸡。
11 meticulous A7TzJ     
  • We'll have to handle the matter with meticulous care.这事一点不能含糊。
  • She is meticulous in her presentation of facts.她介绍事实十分详细。

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