华尔街的赚钱经 第73期:环球影城总裁罗恩(3)
时间:2015-01-20 08:07:16
Meyer knew he was up against considerable odds1, but he finally had a goal: to become an agent and live the sort of lifestyle described in The Flesh Peddlers. He says he must have been 179 interviewed at all of the major talent agencies. "Everyone said no to me. I didn't have a formal education. I came from no influence, no money. There was no obvious reason to give me a job."
Meyer took any job he could get. He worked as a busboy and short-order cook. He cleaned
grease2 off
duplicating3 machines. He sold shoes. "Once I got a job, I put all I had into it," says Meyer." When I was a busboy, I wanted to be the best busboy."
That attitude made an impression on people. While he was working at a clothing store, the Paul KohnerAgency called. Their messenger had quit, and they remembered the guy named Ron who was take whatever job they offered. At the clothing store, he was making $35 a week. Kohner was going to pay him $75.That was on a Friday. He started the next Monday.