华尔街的赚钱经 第77期:电子商务教父(2)
时间:2015-02-03 03:13:50
Started up in Seattle, Washington, Amazon.com had its first base of operation in the Bezos's garage, which was converted into a workspace initially1 housing three Sun workstations. Amazon grew to be an international enterprise and eventually expanded to include sites in Canada, the United Kingdom, France, and Japan.
Coworkers and chroniclers of the Amazon story characterized Bezos as a visionary" and as a man who on the surface was easygoing but kept his employees on demanding schedules.
Bezos demanded quick turnaround time for Project completion.
He scheduled weekly management meetings which often ran as long as four hours, with managers reporting on new products and pricing and taking on questions from the CEO.
Bezos promoted
innovative2 efforts among his employees through the Just Do It program, which rewarded those who came up with and executed ideas that helped the company--without first obtaining permission from their bosses.
Bezos was committed to hiring the best employees, always looking for intelligent and innovative individuals.