
The Green Grass Grew all around

时间:2005-05-21 16:00:00



There a hold in the middle of the ground.
The prettiest hold that you ever did see. Well, a hole in the ground.
And the green grass grew all around and around.
And the green grass grew all around.
And in this hole there was a root.
The prettiest root that you ever did see.
Well, the root in the hole and the hole in the ground.
And on this root there was a tree.
The prettiest tree that you ever did see.
Well, the tree on the root and the root in the hole.
And the hole in the ground.
And on this tree there was a branch,
The prettiest branch that you ever did see.
Well, a branch on the tree and the tree on the root.
And the root in the hole and the hole in the ground.
And on this branch there was a twig1.
The prettiest twig that you ever did see.
Well, the twig on the branch and the branch on the tree.
And the tree on the root and the root in the hole
And the hole in the ground.
Well, on this twig there was a nest.
The prettiest nest that you ever did see.
Well, a nest on the twig.
And the twig on the branch and the branch on the tree.
And the tree on the root and root in the hole.
And the hole in the ground.
And in this nest there was an egg.
The prettiest egg that you ever did see.
Well, the egg in the nest and the nest on the twig.
And the twig on the branch and the branch on the tree.
And the tree on the root and the root in the hole. And the hole in the ground.
And in this egg there was a bird.
The prettiest bird that you ever did see.
Well, the bird in the egg and the egg in the nest.
And the nest on the twig and the twig on the branch.
And the branch on the tree and the tree on the root.
And the root in the hole and the hole in the ground.
And on this bird there was a wing.
The prettiest wing that you ever did see.
Well, the wing on the bird.
And the bird in the egg and the egg in the nest.
And the nest on the twig and the twig on the branch.
And the branch on the tree and the tree on the root.
And the root in the hole and the hole in the ground.
And on this wing there was a feather.
The prettiest feather that you ever did see.
Well, the feather on the wing and the wing on the bird.
And the bird in the egg and the egg in the nest.
And the nest on the twig and the twig on the branch.
And the branch on the tree and the tree on the root.
And the root in the hole and the hole in the ground.


1 twig VK1zg     
  • He heard the sharp crack of a twig.他听到树枝清脆的断裂声。
  • The sharp sound of a twig snapping scared the badger away.细枝突然折断的刺耳声把獾惊跑了。

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