
2015 格莱美 Sam Smith & Mary J. Blige——《Stay With Me》

时间:2015-06-04 08:51:41



Sam Smith 联手 Mary J. Blige 现场表演新单《Stay With Me》!柔情的嗓音瞬间融化人的心,这次 Sam 不仅获得了年度新人奖,又凭借着这首《Stay With Me》获得最佳年度歌曲,最佳年度唱片奖,流行专辑,可谓是大丰收。

Stay With Me - Sam Smith&Mary J. Blige
Guess it's true
I'm not good
At a one night stand
But I still need love
Cos I'm just a man
These nights never seem to go to plan
I don't want you to leave
Will you hold my hand
Oh won't you
Stay with me
Cos you're
All I need
This ain't love
It's clear to see
But darling
Stay with me
Why am I so emotional1?
this is not a good look
Gain some self control
Deep down I know this never works
But you can lay with me
So it doesn't hurt
Oh won't you
Stay with me
Cos you're
All I need
This ain't love
It's clear to see
oh won't you
Stay with me
oh won't you
Stay with me
Cos you're
All I need
This ain't love
It's clear to see
But darling
Stay with me
Oh won't you
Stay with me
Cos you're
All I need
This ain't love
It's clear to see
But darling
Stay with me



1 emotional 3pDxl     
  • Emotional people don't stop to calculate.感情容易冲动的人做事往往不加考虑。
  • This is an emotional scene in the play.这是剧中动人的一幕。

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