
2015MTV:Alt-J - 《Left Hand Free》 (Mike Simpson)

时间:2015-09-09 08:46:03



Left Hand Free-Alt-J
Hey shady baby I'm hot
Like the prodigal son
Pick a battle eenie meenie miney moe
Hey flower you're the chosen one
Well your left hand's free
And your right's in a grip
With another left hand
Watch his right hand slip
Towards his gun, oh no
I tackle weeds just so the moon buggers nibble
A right hand grip on his Colt single-action army
Well your left hand's free
And your right's in a grip
With another left hand
Watch his right hand slip
Towards his gun, oh no
N-E-O, O-M-G, gee whiz
Girl you're the one for me
Though your man's bigger than I am
All my days he disagrees, oh no
Well my left hand's free
Well my left hand's free
Well my left hand's free
Hey shady baby I'm hot
Like the prodigal son
Pick a battle eenie meenie miney moe
Hey flower you're the chosen one
Well your left hand's free
Well my left hand's free
Well your left hand's free
Well my left hand's free


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