2015-12-16 History Channel:西恩宾回顾滑铁卢战役-18
时间:2015-12-21 05:15:11
-If you do that three times a minute, you're gonna win? -Bloody hell. He could do it. It must be very kind of difficult just to keep concentration. And when they were not...Oh, God! Incredible loud. My ears are ringing. A well-** gun crew could fire at a rate of three rounds a minute. I wonder how long it will take with a new crew? -Gun by three. Three rounds independent, rapid, fire!
In the first half hour of the battle, Napoleon launched 3,000
cannon1 balls at British lines. It was a shock of all time to demoralize the enemy before he sends in his
infantry2 and
cavalry3 to finish the job. -First gun finish, time keeper!
-I think I must have washed the hour sponge with water**. Yes!
That was just our first round. We managed three shots in the end. But Napoleon would not have been impressed. -Four gun finished.
Timing4 for first gun for displays. 2 minutes 30 seconds for the first gun. Timing for the last gun. 9 minutes!