2015-12-18 History Channel:西恩宾回顾滑铁卢战役-19
时间:2015-12-21 05:15:55
There's one thing playing soldiers with
replica1, the genuine Waterloo
cannons2 without laughing matter. We persuaded the royal armies to let us fire this 200-year-old gun, using live
ammunition4. With test in the army approved range and s*, under the
supervision5 of the weapons expert, Nicholas Hall.-This
cannon3 dates from about 1800, so it was in use at the time of Waterloo. -I think I could go on the top.
Simon West is an
artillery6 officer with the British Army. He's fascinated by the experience of his
predecessors7 at Waterloo.
-I think we've got a very rare opportunity today to actually see the weapon affects the world l* by the r* artillery at Waterloo. As the French cannons opened fire on Wellington's reach, the ally artillery was eager to fire back. But Wellington said no. He wanted to save his ammunition to use at closer range against foot soldiers and horses. -Am I mistake that we're gonna head this?
This would be the first time in 200 years this cannon be fired with full charge of powder and 6-pound round shots. They watch the action from the safty of a control tower, and high-speed cameras will record the results.