走进哈佛大学 第33期:哈佛耶鲁橄榄球赛
时间:2016-06-15 08:22:23
The Game, better known as the annual Harvard-Yale football game to the outsiders, is the second oldest continuing rivalry1 and also the third most-played rivalry game in the US college football history, after the Lehigh-Lafayette Rivalry (1884)and the Princeton-Yale game (1873).
哈佛耶鲁橄榄球赛是美国大学橄榄球历史上第二古老的持续对抗赛,也是赛场数第三多的比赛, 位列里海-拉斐特对抗赛(1884 )和普林斯顿-耶鲁比赛(1873)之后。
The Game was first played in New
Haven2, Connecticut, in 1875. Harvard won the initial contest 4-0. The Game of 2009 was its 126th version instead of 130th version for it was halted four times. In 1894,newspapers reported seven players carried ofl the field “in dying condition”. After that, the two schools broke off all official contact including
athletic3 competition for two years. Since resuming in 1897,The Game has been played
annually4 except during the First and Second World Wars. In recent years, The Game is always played on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, and the
venue5 alternated between Harvard Stadium and the Yale Bowl.
哈佛-耶鲁橄榄球赛的第一场赛事是1875年在康涅狄格州的纽黑文举行的哈佛以4比0的比分赢得了首场比赛。2009年的球赛是126场比赛,而不是第130场,因为球赛曾暂停了四次。1894年的报纸报道了7名球员“拼死”贏得了赛场。这之后的两年,两所学校突然断绝了一切官方联系,包括体育比赛。在1897年恢复比赛之后,除了两次世界大战,每年都进行球赛。近几年,球赛都是在感恩节的前一个星期六, 轮流在哈佛体育馆和耶鲁体育中心举行。
The most notable and
memorable6 game of the 126 contests was The Game of 1968,in which the Harvard team made a
miraculous7 last-moment comeback, scoring 16 points in the final 42 seconds to tie a highly
touted8 Yale
squad9. The next day, the Harvard
Crimson10 printed the headline “Harvard Beats Yale, 29-29”,as a way to show their pride and distaln for their rival.
In the past nine years since 2001,Yale only won The Game of 2005. Yet, Yale still leads the series 65-53-8, Still, scores aside, this is more than a football game. At stake are
bragging11 rights for graduates and students who compete with glee clubs, marching bands, and tailgate spreads, ribbing their rivals to gain the upper hand, keeping their jocular rivalry
2001年以来的9年时间里,耶鲁只在2005 年贏得了球赛。但耶鲁仍以65贏53负8平领先。但不考虑分数,这不只是一场橄榄球赛。两校的毕业生和在校学生虚张声势,在合唱团、军乐队、停车场面积上面较劲,嘲弄对手以占上风,让对抗赛充满笑料和活力。
For many students and alumni of Harvard and Yale,The Game is an important event. The schools are located only a few hours,travel from one another; and,perhaps because they are among the nation's most
prestigious13 and oldest universities, the rivalry is intense. Beating the rival is often considered more important than the team's season record.
Afterward14, the masses will
convene15 at Bar before boarding a train that resembles getting on a
metro16 in China, or any other situation which can turn the least squeamish person claustrophobic.
It's just part of the experience. They are expecting another great Game,regardless of whether they are wearing red or blue.