

时间:2017-05-09 00:29:08



   Infosys, the Indian IT services company that stands to be one of the biggest losers from a US visa crackdown, plans to hire 10,000 Americans in the next two years, according to the company’s chief executive.

  News of the hiring spree, due to be announced on Tuesday, is likely to be seen as a win for the White House as it tries to push companies into creating more US jobs. The administration announced a review of the H-1B visa programme a fortnight ago, aimed at stemming the flow of low-cost workers brought in by companies such as Infosys.
  Vishal Sikka, Infosys chief executive, acknowledged that the local hiring push came when companies such as his were under pressure to recruit more Americans. “Yes it does coincide,” he said. “I understand the visa regulations and so forth1.”
  印孚瑟斯首席执行官史维学(Vishal Sikka)承认,这项本地招募举措推出之际,像印孚瑟斯这样的企业正面临要招募更多美国人的压力。他说:“是的,两件事确实赶到了一起。我了解签证规定等情况。”
  However, he said the main reason for the spurt2 in local hiring reflected the changing nature of the work his company performed. New technologies such as artificial intelligence were evolving his company’s business, putting more emphasis on local hires who could work closely with customers, he said. “You need a strong sense of locality in the work we do.”
  Infosys was among the companies singled out by US officials last month when they announced a review of how H-1B visas are allocated3. Salaries paid to workers brought into the country by Indian IT services companies undercut those of American workers, the White House maintained.
  Indian companies are said to flood the system with applications so they stand the best chance of winning in the lottery5 used to allocate4 the 85,000 visas on offer. Infosys filed more than 25,000 visa applications last year, more than any other company, according to, which collates6 data from applications.
  According to MyVisaJobs, Infosys offered its H-1B applicants7 an average of $81,705 last year. But that was still lower than the salaries paid by leading US tech companies that rely on H-1Bs to fill gaps in their engineering ranks. Google and Microsoft each offered an average of $130,000 to the workers who applied8 for the visas last year.



1 forth Hzdz2     
  • The wind moved the trees gently back and forth.风吹得树轻轻地来回摇晃。
  • He gave forth a series of works in rapid succession.他很快连续发表了一系列的作品。
2 spurt 9r9yE     
  • He put in a spurt at the beginning of the eighth lap.他进入第八圈时便开始冲刺。
  • After a silence, Molly let her anger spurt out.沉默了一会儿,莫莉的怒气便迸发了出来。
3 allocated 01868918c8cec5bc8773e98ae11a0f54     
adj. 分配的 动词allocate的过去式和过去分词
  • The Ford Foundation allocated millions of dollars for cancer research. 福特基金会拨款数百万美元用于癌症研究。
  • More funds will now be allocated to charitable organizations. 现在会拨更多的资金给慈善组织。
4 allocate ILnys     
  • You must allocate the money carefully.你们必须谨慎地分配钱。
  • They will allocate fund for housing.他们将拨出经费建房。
5 lottery 43MyV     
  • He won no less than £5000 in the lottery.他居然中了5000英镑的奖券。
  • They thought themselves lucky in the lottery of life.他们认为自己是变幻莫测的人生中的幸运者。
6 collates df88e9bc56dc8938ead9e3631aa442d2     
v.校对( collate的第三人称单数 );整理;核对;整理(文件或书等)
  • A device that collates, merges, or matches sets of punched cards or other documents. 一种整理、合并或比较一组穿孔卡片或其它文档的设备。 来自辞典例句
  • After this they collates all results to produce final rankings. 在此之后,他们整理所有结果产生最终排名。 来自互联网
7 applicants aaea8e805a118b90e86f7044ecfb6d59     
申请人,求职人( applicant的名词复数 )
  • There were over 500 applicants for the job. 有500多人申请这份工作。
  • He was impressed by the high calibre of applicants for the job. 求职人员出色的能力给他留下了深刻印象。
8 applied Tz2zXA     
  • She plans to take a course in applied linguistics.她打算学习应用语言学课程。
  • This cream is best applied to the face at night.这种乳霜最好晚上擦脸用。

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