异类之不一样的成功启示录 第191期:取得高等教育机会
时间:2017-07-13 02:39:42
A year after MacMillan published his book, a wave of riots and unrest swept the Caribbean. 在麦克米兰的书出版一年后,动乱席卷了整个加勒比海。
Fourteen people were killed and fifty-nine injured in Trinidad. Fourteen were killed and forty-seven injured in Barbados. 在特立尼达岛14个人被杀害、59个人受伤;在巴巴多斯岛,14个人被杀害、47个人受伤;
In Jamaica, a series of violent strikes shut down the country, and a state of emergency was declared. 在牙买加,一系列的暴力事件冲击着国家,整个国家都处于紧张状态。
Panicked, the British government took MacMillan's
prescriptions1 to heart, 慌了神的英国政府终于领会了麦克米兰书中的精髓,
The scholarships began in 1941. My mother and her twin sister sat for the exam the following year. 奖学金从1941年开始有,我的妈妈和她的双胞胎姐姐参加了第二年的考试,
That is how they got a high school education; 这就是她们能取得高等教育机会的原因。
My mother owes the course her life took to the
timing2 of her birth, to the rioters of 1937, and to William.M.MacMillan. 我的母亲非常感激她出生的时间,还有1937年参加暴乱的人们,感谢麦克米兰。
I described Daisy Nation, my grandmother, as "
renowned3 for her beauty". 我的祖母戴西·纳森,因漂亮而出名。
But the truth is that was a careless and
condescending4 way to describe her. 其实这种描述对她是不认真的且不尊重的。
She was a force. The fact that my mother and her sister left Harewood for Saint Hilda's was my grandmother's doing. 她有一种独特的魅力,实际上我的母亲和她的双胞胎姐姐能够离开海厄乌德到圣·希尔达完全是由于我的祖母。
My grandfather may have been in an
imposing5 and learned man, but he was an idealist and a dreamer. He buried himself in his books. 我的祖父曾经是一个让人印象深刻的学者,但他是一个理想主义者和一个空想家,他把自己埋藏在他的书中。
If he had ambitions for his daughters, he did not have the
foresight6 and energy to make them real. My grandmother did. 即使他对他的女儿们有什么抱负,他也缺乏某种远虑和精力来实现它们,但我的外祖母却能实现。
Saint Hilda's was her idea: some of the wealthier families in the area sent their daughters there, and she saw what a good school meant. 去圣·希尔达学习是她的主意:她们那里有钱的人都把子女送到这儿来。她知道什么是好的教育,
Her daughters did not play with the other children of the village. 她的女儿们不用和小乡村的其它小孩子一起玩耍,
They read Latin and
Algebra7 were necessary for high school, so she had her daughters tutored by Archdeacon Hay. 她们可以阅读书籍,学对高中有用的拉丁语和数学,所以她让牧师阿齐迪肯·海作为孩子的家庭教师。