时间:2017-07-20 09:04:19
There’s a knock at the door and you’re seized with panic. Not because of who it is, but because it’s 2:30 pm and you’re still wearing the clothes you slept in, your hair is matted to the side of your head, and your living room looks like a hurricane blew through it.
Are you feeling like you’ll always be embarrassed to have people come over to your house because of the mess? You might have “Can’t Have Anyone Over
Syndrome1,” or “C.H.A.O.S” for short.
Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome will make you want to ban people from coming in your home. You’ll do almost anything to not have to have people over for a visit. If you see one of your friends coming up to your front door, you’ll hide and pretend like you’re not home.