异类之不一样的成功启示录 第196期:牙买加的白人
时间:2017-07-24 00:58:44
"Ideally, they would try to be artisans. Remember, Jamaica has sugar plantations2, “理想的话,他们将会成为技工。记住,牙买加有糖料种植园,
which are very different from the cotton plantations you find in the American South. 这些同美国南部的棉花种植园有很大的差异。
Cotton is a predominantly agricultural pursuit. 在那里,棉花是占主导地位的农产品,
You are picking this stuff, and almost all the processing was done in Lancashire, or the North. 人们在那里收获棉花,然后在兰开夏或者美国北部加工。
Sugar is an agro-industrial complex. You have to have the factory right there because sugars start losing sucrose within hours of being picked. 糖料是一种农工混合产品,你不得不在当地开设工厂,因为蔗糖将会在砍伐数小时后流失。
You had no choice, but to have the sugar mill right there, and sugar mills require a wide range of occupations. 你不得不在当地开设糖料磨坊,而这些磨坊又需要各种职业的工人,
The coopers. The
boiler3 men. The carpenters. And a lot of those jobs were filled by colored people." 如制桶工、锅炉工、木匠,而这些工作大多都不是由白人来做的。”
It was also the case that Jamaica's English
elite4, unlike their counterparts in the United States, 不像那些到美国的伙伴,
had little interest in the grand project in the national building. 那些来到牙买加的英国精英们没有参与到这个国家伟大的建设中,
They wanted to make their money and go back to England. They had no desire to stay in what they considered a hostile land. 其原因是他们只想赚够钱回到英国,并没有兴趣留在认为是自己敌人的土地上。
So the task of building a new society with the many opportunities it
embodied5 fell to the colors as well. 所以建造新社会的任务以及随之而来的大量机会,就都留给了非白人。
"By 1850, the mayor of Kingston—the Jamaican capital—was a colored person," Patterson went on. “在1850年,牙买加的首都金斯顿的市长就不是一个白人。”帕特森接着说道,
And so was the
founder6 of Daily Gleaner—Jamaica's major newspaper. “同样,牙买加的主要报纸—《每日回顾》(Daily Gleaner)的创始人也是非白人。
And from very early on, they came to dominate the professional classes. 很早以前,非白人就开始主导各种职业的分类。
The whites were involved in business or
plantation1. 白人主要从事商业和种植业,
The people who became doctors and lawyers were these colored people. These were the people running the schools. 而非白人则成了医生和律师,并且开办学校,
bishop7 of Kingston was a classic brown man. They weren't the economic elite. But they were the cultural elite." 金斯顿的主教就是一个典型的棕色皮肤的人。他们并不是经济精英,但是他们却是文化精英。”