

时间:2018-02-20 23:55:08



On his recent trip to Mexico, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson stressed that Mexico, Canada, and the United States can make a positive difference in the Hemisphere and around the world. He said, When we are unified1 in our positions and our voice, we have significant influence on the events not just in our hemisphere, but elsewhere.

最近出访墨西哥期间,国务卿雷克斯 蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson)强调,墨西哥、加拿大和美国对西半球乃至整个世界产生了积极的影响。蒂勒森表示,只要我们团结起来,共同发声,就不只会对西半球,也会对全世界产生重大影响。

The Secretary pointed2 out that North America's economic prosperity is interconnected: I cannot emphasize enough the importance of our economic relationships. Canada and Mexico rank as the first or second-largest export market for 42 U.S. states and support nearly 3 million U.S. jobs.


We continue to employ a coordinated3 and multilateral approach to diminish the influence of transnational criminal organizations and rid our hemisphere of the violence they promote.


North America is also a major player in world energy markets. As such, the United States, Canada, and Mexico discussed opportunities to promote market-based energy development and to further energy integration4.


The United States, Canada, and Mexico also discussed the threat posed by transnational criminal organizations. We continue to employ a coordinated and multilateral approach to diminish the influence of these groups and rid our hemisphere of the violence and devastation5 they promote, said Secretary Tillerson.


Turning to the subject of opioids, Secretary Tillerson stressed the need to do more to attack the business models of those who traffic drugs and guns. He called for deploying6 new strategies to disrupt and dismantle7 these deadly networks that smuggle8 drugs, and that participate in human trafficking and other illicit9 activities.


In June of last year, Canada participated in a conference co-hosted by the United States and Mexico to promote prosperity and security in Central America. They discussed how to follow up on commitments to improve economic, energy, security, and governance in the Northern Triangle.


Secretary Tillerson expressed grave concern over the deadly humanitarian10 and political crisis that has unfolded in Venezuela. He urged the Maduro regime to return to free, open, credible11, and democratic elections, and to allow the Venezuelans a voice in their government. Our three countries will work with all members of the Lima Group to assist the Venezuelan people during this time of crisis, he added.


The Secretary concluded that as challenges become more complex, the United States, Canada, and Mexico will continue to work together to find solutions.




1 unified 40b03ccf3c2da88cc503272d1de3441c     
(unify 的过去式和过去分词); 统一的; 统一标准的; 一元化的
  • The teacher unified the answer of her pupil with hers. 老师核对了学生的答案。
  • The First Emperor of Qin unified China in 221 B.C. 秦始皇于公元前221年统一中国。
2 pointed Il8zB4     
  • He gave me a very sharp pointed pencil.他给我一支削得非常尖的铅笔。
  • She wished to show Mrs.John Dashwood by this pointed invitation to her brother.她想通过对达茨伍德夫人提出直截了当的邀请向她的哥哥表示出来。
3 coordinated 72452d15f78aec5878c1559a1fbb5383     
  • The sound has to be coordinated with the picture. 声音必须和画面协调一致。
  • The numerous existing statutes are complicated and poorly coordinated. 目前繁多的法令既十分复杂又缺乏快调。 来自英汉非文学 - 环境法 - 环境法
4 integration G5Pxk     
  • We are working to bring about closer political integration in the EU.我们正在努力实现欧盟內部更加紧密的政治一体化。
  • This was the greatest event in the annals of European integration.这是欧洲统一史上最重大的事件。
5 devastation ku9zlF     
  • The bomb caused widespread devastation. 炸弹造成大面积破坏。
  • There was devastation on every side. 到处都是破坏的创伤。 来自《简明英汉词典》
6 deploying 79c9e662a7f3c3d49ecc43f559de9424     
(尤指军事行动)使展开( deploy的现在分词 ); 施展; 部署; 有效地利用
  • Provides support for developing and deploying distributed, component-based applications. 为开发和部署基于组件的分布式应用程序提供支持。
  • Advertisement, publishing, repair, and install-on-demand are all available when deploying your application. 在部署应用程序时提供公布、发布、修复和即需即装功能。
7 dismantle Vtlxa     
  • He asked for immediate help from the United States to dismantle the warheads.他请求美国立即提供援助,拆除这批弹头。
  • The mower firmly refused to mow,so I decided to dismantle it.修完后割草机还是纹丝不动,于是,我决定把它拆开。
8 smuggle 5FNzy     
  • Friends managed to smuggle him secretly out of the country.朋友们想方设法将他秘密送出国了。
  • She has managed to smuggle out the antiques without getting caught.她成功将古董走私出境,没有被逮捕。
9 illicit By8yN     
  • He had an illicit association with Jane.他和简曾有过不正当关系。
  • Seizures of illicit drugs have increased by 30% this year.今年违禁药品的扣押增长了30%。
10 humanitarian kcoxQ     
  • She has many humanitarian interests and contributes a lot to them.她拥有很多慈善事业,并作了很大的贡献。
  • The British government has now suspended humanitarian aid to the area.英国政府现已暂停对这一地区的人道主义援助。
11 credible JOAzG     
  • The news report is hardly credible.这则新闻报道令人难以置信。
  • Is there a credible alternative to the nuclear deterrent?是否有可以取代核威慑力量的可靠办法?

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