美国语文第二册 第32期:威利和鲍恩斯(1)
时间:2018-05-02 05:57:13
sent 发送
store 店
Bounce 乱跳
floating 漂浮的
load 负载
circle 圈
cake 蛋糕
blocks 块
strolled 漫步
however 然而
Two fast friends were Willie Brown and his little dog Bounce. 威利.布朗和他的小狗鲍恩斯是一对忠实的朋友。
Willie could never think of taking a walk without Bounce. 威利无法想象没有鲍恩斯和他一起散步的情形。
Cake and play were equally shared between them. 他们会分享蛋糕,会一起做游戏。
Willie taught his dog many cunning tricks, and often said that Bounce could do almost anything in the world but talk. 威利教给他的狗很多狡猾的戏法。他总是说,鲍恩斯除了不会说话,几乎可以做世界上的任何事。
There came a time, however, when Bounce really told Willie's father something, though he could not talk. 终于有一次,鲍恩斯虽然不会说话,它却真的把一些事告诉了威利的爸爸。
Let me tell you how he did this. 让我告诉你它是怎么做到的吧!
It was on a bright summer afternoon. 这是一个夏日阳光灿烂的午后。
Willie had strolled with Bounce down to the river, which was not more than two blocks from his father's store. 威利和鲍恩斯一起到河边散步,这里距离他爸爸的商店不超过两个街区。
Willie began to throw stones into the water, and to watch the ripples as they made one circle after another. 威利开始往水里扔石头,看着波浪一圈圈地扩展开来。
Bounce lay on the grass, watching the flies that buzzed around his nose, and catching any that came too near. 鲍恩斯躺在草地上,看着苍蝇在它鼻子周围嗡嗡地飞,并赶走飞得太近的苍蝇。
There were some logs floating in the river near the shore. 很多圆木漂浮在商店附近的河面上。
Willie jumped upon one of them, to see if he could throw a stone across the river. 威利跳上其中的一个圆木,看看他是否能够把一个石头扔到河对岸。
He drew back, and sent the stone with all his might. 他后退几步,用尽全身力气扔出石头。
Just as it left his hand, the log turned, and he fell into the water. 就在石头脱手的一刹那,圆木翻了,威利掉进了河里。
He was very much frightened, for he did not know how to swim, and there was no one to hear, though he called as loud as he could for help. 他非常害怕,因为他不会游泳,尽管他用尽力气喊叫,但没有人能够听到他呼救的声音。