生活大爆炸 第六季:第14集:研究报告(下)
时间:2019-02-21 01:27:16
Come on, Sheldon! We're going to be late! 谢尔顿, 快点, 要迟到了
I can't go in today. I'm sick. You're not sick. 我今天去不了,我生病了。你才没生病
You just don't want to face Kripke. No, look. 128. See? 你只是不想面对克莱皮克。是真的,你看。128华氏度(约53.3摄氏度)你看吧
What did you do, put this in your tea? Oh, dear. 你把这玩意浸茶里了吗?不是吧
Now I'm not even smarter than you. 现在我笨得连你都蒙不了了
Sheldon, Kripke's not smarter than you. 谢尔顿, 你不是比克莱皮克笨啦
You just got stuck on a wrong path. Happened to Einstein. 你只是思路错了。爱因斯坦也这样过啊
He got stuck on the
unified1 field theory for decades. 他被统一场论困扰了好几十年
Oh, don't play the Einstein card. 别跟我说什么爱因斯坦
His great breakthroughs happened when no one knew anything. 他成功的前提是, 当时的所有人毛都不懂
So everything was a great breakthrough. 所以发现什么都能算是大突破
Sheldon Lee Cooper, I do not have time for this nonsense. 谢尔顿?李?库珀我没时间听你胡扯
Now, go put your clothes on, get in the car, and lets go to work. 现在赶紧给我穿衣服上车跟我上班去
All right, geez. What a
grouch2. How did I do that? 别激动啊,仁兄。瞧你这小爆脾气我是怎么做到的
I got to remember how I did that. 我得记住刚才是怎么做到的
Do you realize, by owning a 3D printer, we are
reclaiming3 the manufacturing process and taking jobs back from sweatshops in China? 你有没有意识到拥有这台3D打印机我们就能夺回生产过程并抢回中国血汗工厂工人的工作
I think this thing was made in China. Eh, what can you do? 这玩意本身就是中国制造的。那我们也没办法了
Ooh, II think it's done. It worked! 完成了。成功了
We printed a whistle. Amazing. 我们造了个哨子。酷毙了
You realize these things go for 25 cents a pop at a party store. 你知道这东西在派对用品店里一个卖25美分吧
And we made it in only three hours. 而且仅用三小时就做好了
Sounds just like storebought. 声音和店里卖的一模一样
Okay, give me a superhero pose, and I will scan you into the computer for your action figure. 你摆个超级英雄的姿势我把你扫描到电脑好做出你的模型人偶
Oh, I wish I was in better shape. 要是我身材好点就好了
Stop holding your stomach in. 别收腹了
I'll give you a sixpack with the computer. Oh, okay, great. 我会用电脑给你安上六块诱人腹肌。好的,太好了
Now I can look like Val Kilmer as Batman instead of Val Kilmer as he looks today. 我能有瓦尔?基尔默在《蝙蝠侠》中的身材而不用是他现在这身材
All right, you can suck it in a little bit. 你还是稍微收一下腹吧
Cooper, we have a problem. 库珀, 我们得聊聊
Your work is really not at a level I expected it to be. I know. 你的研究可真是没达到我原以为的水准啊。我知道
Go ahead, mock me. 尽情嘲笑我吧
Just use small words so I understand. 用点简单的词, 免得我听不懂
Don't play dumb with me. 别跟我装傻
We both know what your problem is. We do? 你我都知道你的问题在哪里?是吗?
You have a girlfriend. So? 你有个女朋友。所以呢
So my work would suffer, too, if I was getting laid all the time. Yes. 换我的话, 专业水平也会降低谁叫你每天巫山云雨乐不思蜀呢。没错
That is the reason. 就是因为这个
My work is suffering because of... all the laid I'm getting. 我的专业水准降低就是因为巫山云雨乐不思蜀
You lucky
bastard4. What can I say, you know? She enjoys my genitals. 你这个走运的混蛋。我能说什么呢?她很享受我的生殖器
I am giving them to her on a nightly basis. Okay, stop
bragging5. 我每天晚上都让她欲仙欲死。少显摆了
You had some brilliant insights in here, but if we're gonna make this work, you need to
buckle6 down and focus. 你有一些很棒的见解但如果我们要成功的话你得集中注意力, 多加努力才行
I'll do what I can. 我会尽力而为的
But it's not going to be easy, Okay, stop bragging. 但这并非易事因为我和艾米在一起时
and our bathing suit areas mush together... is it boy howdy, is it magic. 我们的关键部位磨磨蹭蹭...真是让人无法自拔啊
Oh, good, you're home. Got a little surprise for you. What? 真好,你回来了。我给你准备了小惊喜。是什么
Say hello to my little friend. Oh, my God. 和我这位小朋友打个招呼吧。我的天啊
That's so cute. I didn't think there could be a smaller version of you. I know, right? 真是太可爱了。我真没想到还能有更小版的你啊。是吧是吧
And, thanks to photographs and some little 3D modeling, here comes the bride. 多亏有照片还有3D塑造工艺新娘驾到咯
Oh, Howie, I love these. I thought you might. 华仔, 我好喜欢啊我就知道你会的
Were they expensive? I know, right? 这东西贵吗?一分钱没花, 我自己做的
How? Koothrappali and I bought a used 3D printer for $5,000. 怎么做的, 库萨帕里和我花五千块买了个二手3D打印机
$5,000 for a couple of dolls? 五千块买了几个娃娃
Are you out of your mind? 你吃错药了吗
Not just a couple of dolls. 这可不是几个娃娃
For as many dolls as we want. And whistles. 我们想要多少, 就能做多少还能做哨子呢
At any point, did it dawn on you to talk to me about spending this kind of money? 你这样花钱如流水的时候有想过要跟我通报一声吗?
It's kind of dawning on me now. 现在想到了
I don't believe you! Howie, we can't afford to waste money on junk like this. 简直难以置信!华仔, 我们没钱买这样的垃圾
What are you talking about? 你说什么呢
We make plenty of money. I make plenty of money! You make peanuts! 我们挣了那么多的钱。我挣了很多钱。你赚得塞牙缝都不够
Yes, but we're married now. 是的, 但现在我们是夫妻了
That means, when you get sick, I take care of you. 这意味着你生病时我会照顾你
And when you make a bunch of money, I get to buy stuff. 你挣很多钱时我可以买东西
Sorry if you don't like it, but that's how love works. 你不喜欢也没办法爱情就是这样
No, here's how love works. 不, 爱情是这样
You're gonna return the machine, or you can print out a working set of lady parts and sleep with those. 要么你退回机器要么你就打印出一套女性私密部位跟那"睡"去吧
Oh, my God! Are you actually thinking about it? 我的天, 你居然还真想啊
All right, I don't understand. 好吧, 我不太明白
Why didn't you just tell Kripke the truth? 你为什么不跟克莱皮克说实话
Because the truth made me look bad, whereas a ridiculous baldfaced lie makes me look good. 说实话会让我很没面子相反, 荒谬又无耻的谎言令我面上有光
Anyway, if Kripke asks, tell him my coitus with Amy is frequent, intense and whimsically inventive. 总之, 如果克莱皮克问起跟他说, 我与艾米的行房是频繁的激烈的, 创造力十足的
Is my coitus whimsically inventive? 我行房时有创造力十足吗
That is what I write on the bathroom walls. 我在公共厕所的墙上就是这样写的
"For a whimsically inventive time, call Leonard Hofstadter." 要寻找创造力十足的一夜激情请致电莱纳德?霍夫斯塔德
I know you're joking, but I'd be okay with that. 我知道你在开玩笑, 不过我不介意啦
Sheldon, can I ask you a question? Of course. 谢尔顿, 问你个问题好吗, 请便
You ever going to sleep with Amy? 你会跟艾米上床吗
We don't ask Sheldon things like that. 我们不问谢尔顿这样的问题
Maybe you don't; I do. What's the deal? 也许你不能问, 我能。到底怎么回事
Well, word around the university is I'm giving her sex organs a proper jostling. 现在大学里风传我给予了她的性器官到位的撞击
All right, come on, be serious. 得了, 说真的
Look, you guys have been going out a long time. 你们已经交往很长时间了
She would clearly like to have a physical relationship with you, so what are you doing? 很明显她希望与你发生性爱关系。你到底在干嘛
All right, we're down the rabbit hole. 好吧, 废话说完了
What are you doing? 你到底在干嘛
Well, first of all, I'm quite fond of Amy. 首先, 我相当喜欢艾米
Then what's the problem? Penny... 那有什么问题?佩妮
all my life, I have been uncomfortable with the sort of physical contact that comes easily to others handshaking, hugging, prostate exams. 我这辈子, 其他人觉得轻而易举的身体接触我都觉得不自在握手, 拥抱前列腺检查
But I'm working on it, you know? 但我在努力改变, 知道吗
Just recently, I had to put VapoRub on Amy's chest. 最近, 我还给艾米的胸口擦了感冒止咳膏呢
A year ago, that would have been unthinkable. 一年前, 这是无法想像的事
Now you know how I feel when I have to put it on you. Okay. Hang on. 现在你明白了, 我被迫给你擦时是什么滋味。好了, 等等
Are you saying someday you and Amy might... actually get physical? 你是说有一天你与艾米会有亲密接触吗
It's a possibility. Oh, my God! 有这个可能性。我的天
Sheldon, I know this wasn't easy for you, and I'm really glad we could have this conversation. 谢尔顿, 我知道对你来说不容易我真的很高兴你愿意聊这个话题
Oh, yeah. Are you sure you want to do this? 别客气。你确定要这样做吗
Give up your half of the 3D printer? Yes. 放弃3D打印机的一半所有权?是的
And can you please make that out to Bernadette? 麻烦你写上伯纳黛特的名字
I was taken off the
joint8 account until I learn the value of money. 我从联名账户中除名了等我了解金钱的价值后才能回归
Wow, that's harsh. Tell me about it. 太残忍了。还用说吗
Aren't you gonna eat lunch? 你不吃午餐吗
Nah, I blew my food allowance on Pokemon cards. 我的饭钱都花在口袋妖怪卡上了
Well, the equation balances, but it's certainly not elegant. 等式两端相等但是算法不够简洁
Whatever. You get any last night? Yes. 无所谓, 昨晚你又爽了吧?是的
Gave it to her good, huh? 给了她猛烈地一发咩
No, I gave it to her well. 不, 是给了她升天的一发
Now, over here, I was thinking the
turbulence9 could be reduced if we just put... Yeah, yeah, yeah. 好了, 这里, 我在想湍流可以减少, 只要我们...随便啦
Was she naked, or was she wearing lingerie? 她是一丝不挂, 还是穿着内衣半遮半掩
I didn't notice. How could you not notice? 我没注意。你怎么会没注意
I was too busy squishing all the desirable parts of her body. 我忙于挤压她身体的所有欲望部位
Can we get back to work? Sure! sure! 可以继续谈工作吗?当然, 当然
You guys ever use any toys? Toys? 你们有用过玩具吗?玩具
I do have a model rocket next to my bed. 我床边放着一个火箭模型
A rocket? You're a freak! I love it! 火箭, 你个死变态。太合我胃口了