

时间:2019-10-27 07:20:45



Intelligent Threat-Sensing Building on Horizon

There is an active shooter in this school. How do the people inside respond? Will they behave differently if the building is designed differently?Virtual reality is the first step to answering these questions, giving engineers a safe space to find ways to create safer buildings.“We’re interested in looking at how different building attributes affect responses to incidents of extreme violence,and that’s something that we can’t manipulate easily in the real world, but in virtual reality, all of that is possible, and it’s possible, safe and ethically1.”Various building designs for a school or office setting can be tested in VR with teachers and office workers on treadmills2, similar to this, so they can run or walk. Some of the design options include the placing of exits or establishing hiding places in here, using sensors3 and artificial intelligence, a building can have clear windows that become frosted when danger is sensed.


“It could be the case that where there are sensors and then they pick up the noise levels, and if there’s a shooting, obviously there will, it will come with some increased noise levels and shouting and other, other, other clues, so the building can have, for example, dynamic walls that lock up, maybe, the, the bad actor, in the building.”An intelligent building can also produce digital signage that points occupants to the safest exits away from the violence.“So, I don’t believe we are too far from having these kinds of intelligent environments.”Once researchers understand how different design features influence people’s behavior, they can design better buildings and with types of technologies that will keep people safe.




1 ethically CtrzbD     
  • Ethically , we have nothing to be ashamed about . 从伦理上说,我们没有什么好羞愧的。
  • Describe the appropriate action to take in an ethically ambiguous situation. 描述适当行为采取在一个道德地模棱两可的情况。
2 treadmills f1e353a2026c24d422c24a6c3ce1fa08     
n.枯燥无味的工作[生活方式]( treadmill的名词复数 );(尤指旧时由人或牲畜踩动踏板使之转动的)踏车;(锻炼身体的)跑步机,走步机
  • But soon, you may think microwave ovens and treadmills too. 但是不久的将来,您可能还会想到微波炉或健身踏车什么的。 来自互联网
  • The Gym has several treadmills an X-trainer machine, bicycles, weights and mats for floor work. 体育馆里配备了:跑步机、教练机、自行车、哑铃和专为做地板运动准备的垫子。 来自互联网
3 sensors 029aee483db9ae244d7a5cb353e74602     
n.传感器,灵敏元件( sensor的名词复数 )
  • There were more than 2000 sensors here. 这里装有两千多个灵敏元件。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Significant changes have been noted where sensors were exposed to trichloride. 当传感器暴露在三氯化物中时,有很大变化。 来自辞典例句

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