
VOA慢速英语 2007 1106a

时间:2007-11-28 02:55:40



AGRICULTURE REPORT - Farming Marginal1 Lands
By Mario Ritter / Broadcast: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 16:00:00 UTC
This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

An Australian farmer stands on land damaged by lack of rain last year

To call land marginal means it is not very good. Farmers have their own way to describe it. Marginal land is the last to be planted under good conditions and the first to be avoided when situations are bad.

Low quality soil is not the only reason why land could be considered marginal. The land might be in an area where rainfall is limited. Or it might be on a hillside that rises too sharply2.

Yet there are uses for marginal land. Most often it is used as grassland3. Grasses provide excellent feed for grazing4 animals like cattle, sheep and goats.

A farmer might use native grasses or non-native seed. Either way, it is important to establish good ground cover to avoid the loss of soil through erosion5.

Forage6 crops like clover and alfalfa could be planted. These members of the legume family provide high protein food for grazing animals. They also improve the quality of the soil.

Most plants use up nitrogen. But legumes put nitrogen back into the soil. Forage crops also help limit erosion.

But using marginal land for grazing is not as simple as it might sound. There is a risk of overgrazing. Cattle can damage forage crops by eating down to the roots. Also, the animals crush the soil with their weight. That can make the ground too hard for growing.

A way to reduce the damage is to move animals from one field to another. This method is known as rotational7 grazing. Agricultural experts say rotational grazing is extremely important for marginal land.

Another use for marginal land is for tree crops. Studies have shown that the white pine and loblolly pine are two kinds of trees that grow well on such land. They grow fast and provide good quality wood. Another kind to consider is the poplar. And there are slower-growing trees like the black walnut8 that provide wood as well as a nut crop.

Trees help support the soil. They reduce the damaging effects of wind and rain. And they can provide grazing animals with shade from the sun.

Marginal lands need care to protect them. Failing to take that care might only make a bad situation worse. But good planning can turn a marginal resource into a highly productive9 one.

This VOA Special English Agriculture Report was written by Mario Ritter.



1 marginal Y7kzp     
  • He won the most marginal seat by only two votes.他只以两票的微弱优势当选。
  • This once important social group is becoming more and more marginal.这个一度十分重要的社会集团越来越无足轻重了。
2 sharply UiRziL     
  • The plane dived sharply and rose again.飞机猛然俯冲而后又拉了起来。
  • Demand for personal computers has risen sharply.对个人电脑的需求急剧增长。
3 grassland 0fCxG     
  • There is a reach of grassland in the distance.远处是连绵一片的草原。
  • The snowstorm swept the vast expanse of grassland.暴风雪袭击了辽阔的草原。
4 grazing grazing     
n. 放牧, 牧草 动词graze的现在分词
  • There were cows grazing beside the river. 有些牛在河边吃草。
  • Cows were grazing on the marshes. 牛群在湿地上吃草。
5 erosion NoGxQ     
  • The erosion of beach here is serious.这里海岸的腐蚀很严重。
  • Drought and soil erosion had long been a major problem.干旱和水土流失一直是个老大难问题。
6 forage QgyzP     
  • They were forced to forage for clothing and fuel.他们不得不去寻找衣服和燃料。
  • Now the nutritive value of the forage is reduced.此时牧草的营养价值也下降了。
7 rotational iXdxF     
  • A synchronous motor drives the measuring bob at a constant rotational speed.同步马达驱动测锤以恒速旋转。
  • With some limitations,this is true also of rotational degrees of freedom.在某些限定条件下,这一说法对转动自由度也成立。
8 walnut wpTyQ     
  • Walnut is a local specialty here.核桃是此地的土特产。
  • The stool comes in several sizes in walnut or mahogany.凳子有几种尺寸,材质分胡桃木和红木两种。
9 productive nQxxT     
  • We had a productive meeting that solved some problems.我们开了一个富有成效的会议,解决了一些问题。
  • Science and technology are part of the productive forces.科学技术是生产力。

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