
VOA慢速英语2019 《心与十字架》(1)

时间:2020-01-04 23:57:58



Baldy woods reached for a drink and got it. When Baldy wanted something, he usually got it. He — but this is not Baldy's story. Now he took his third drink, which was larger than the first and the second. Baldy had been listening to the troubles of a friend. Now Baldy was going to tell his friend what to do. So the friend was buying him the drinks. This was the right thing for the friend to do. "I'd be king if I were you," said Baldy. He said it loudly and strongly. Webb Yeager moved his wide hat back on his head. He put his fingers in his yellow hair and moved it about. It now looked wilder than before. But this did not help him to think better. And therefore1 he also got another drink. "If a man marries a queen2, it ought3 not make him nothing," said Webb. Here was his real problem. "Surely4 not," said Baldy. "You ought to be a king. But you're only the queen's husband. That's what happens to a man in Europe if he marries the king's daughter. His wife becomes a queen. But is he a king? No. His only duty is to appear with the queen in pictures. And be the father of the next king. That's not right. Yes, Webb, you are only the queen's husband. And if I were you, I'd turn everything upside5 down and I would be king."

《心与十字架》。布德里·伍兹伸手去拿了一杯,当布德里想要什么的时候,他通常能得到。但这不是有关布德里的故事。他现在正在喝第三杯,这杯比前面两杯都大。布德里一直在听一个朋友说烦心事。现在,布德里打算告诉他的朋友该怎么做。所以,朋友给他买了酒水。这是朋友应该做的事。“如果我是你,我就当国王,” 布德里大声而有力地说道。韦伯·耶格把他的宽帽子戴回头上。他把手指插进金发,挪动了一下。现在,头发看起来比之前更疯狂了。但这并没有帮助他更好地思考,所以他又喝了一杯。韦伯说:“如果一个人娶了一位王后,他就不应该一无所获。”。这是他真正的问题。“当然不是。”布德里说。“你应该当国王,但你只是女王的丈夫。欧洲男人嫁给国王女儿后会出现的情况。他的妻子成为女王,但他是国王吗?不是。他唯一的职责是和女王一起出现在照片中,并成为下一位国王的父亲。那是不对的,韦伯,你只是女王的丈夫。如果我是你,我会颠倒一切,我将成为国王”。

Baldy finished his drink. "Baldy," said Webb, "you and I have been cowboys7 together for years. We've been riding the same roads since we were very young. I wouldn't talk about my family to anyone but you. You were working on the Nopalito Ranch8 when I married9 Santa McAllister. I was foreman then. But what am I now? Nothing." "When old McAllister was the cattle10 king of West Texas," continued Baldy, "you were important. You told people what to do. Your commands11 were as strong as his." "That was true," said Webb, "until he discovered that I wanted to marry Santa. Then he sent me as far away from the ranch house as he could. When the old man died, they started to call Santa the ‘cattle queen.' Now I tell the cattle what to do. That's all. She takes care of all the business. She takes care of all the money. I can't sell any cattle— not one animal. Santa is the queen, and I... I'm nothing." "I would be king if I were you," said Baldy Woods again. "When a man marries a queen he ought to be the same as she is. Plenty of people think it's strange, Webb. Your words mean nothing on the Nopalito Ranch. Mrs. Yeager is a fine little lady. But a man ought to be head of his own house."


Webb's brown face grew long with sadness12. With that expression13, and his wild yellow hair, and his blue eyes, he looked like a schoolboy14 who had lost his leadership15 to another, strong boy. Yet his tall body looked too strong for such a thing to happen to him. "I'm riding back to the ranch today," he said. It was easy to see that he did not want to go. "I have to start some cattle on the road to San Antonio tomorrow morning." "Well, I'll go with you as far as Dry Lake," said Baldy. The two friends got on their horses and left the little town where they had met that morning. At Dry Lake, they stopped to say goodbye. They had been riding for miles without talking. But in Texas, talk does not often continue steadily16. Many things may happen between words. But when you begin to talk again, you are still talking about the same thing. So now Webb added17 something to the talk that began ten miles away. "You remember, Baldy, there was a time when Santa was different. You remember the days when old McAllister kept me away from the ranch house. You remember how she would send me a sign that she wanted to see me? Old McAllister said that he would kill me if I came near enough. You remember the sign she used18 to send, Baldy? The picture of a heart with a cross inside it?"

韦伯棕色的脸因悲伤而变得很长,他带着那种表情,一头野性的金发,一双蓝眼睛,看上去就像个小学生。他已经在另一个坚强的男孩面前失去了领导地位,但他高大的身体看起来太强壮了,不可能发生这样的事。“我今天要骑马回牧场,”他说,很容易看出他不想去。“明天早上我得在去圣安东尼奥的路上赶些牛。”“好吧,我和你一起去干湖,” 布德里说。这两个朋友骑马离开了,他们那天早上在小镇相遇。在干湖,他们停下来道别。他们一言不发地骑了好几英里,但在得克萨斯州,人们的谈话并不会经常持续进行,言语之间可能会发生很多事情。但当你开始再次交谈时,你仍然在谈论同样的事情。所以,现在韦伯在十英里外开始的谈话中加入了一些内容。“你记得吗,布德里,有一段时间圣塔不太一样。你还记得老麦卡利斯特让我远离牧场的日子吧,还记得她怎么给我发信号说她想见我吗?老麦卡利斯特说,如果我走近,他会杀了我。你还记得她以前送的标识吗,布德里?上面是一颗心,心里面有一个十字架?”

"Me?" cried Baldy. "Sure I remember. Every cowboy6 on the ranch knew that sign of the heart and the cross. We would see it on things sent out from the ranch. We would see it on anything. It would be on newspapers. On boxes of food. Once I saw it on the back of the shirt of a cook that McAllister sent from the ranch." "Santa's father made her promise that she wouldn't write to me or send me any word. That heart-and-cross sign was her plan. When she wanted to see me, she would put that mark on something that she knew I would see. And when I saw it, I traveled fast to the ranch that same night. I would meet her outside the house." "We all knew it," said Baldy. "But we never said anything. We wanted you to marry Santa. We knew why you had that fast horse. When we saw the heart and cross on something from the ranch, we always knew your horse was going to go fast that night." "The last time Santa sent me the sign," said Webb, "was when she was sick. When I saw it, I got on my horse and started. It was a forty-mile ride. She wasn't at our meeting-place. I went to the house. Old McAllister met me at the door. ‘Did you come here to get killed?' he said. ‘I won't kill you this time. I was going to send for you. Santa wants you. Go in that room and see her. Then come out here and see me.'


"Santa was lying in bed very sick. But she smiled, and put her hand in mine, and I sat down by the bed—mud and riding clothes and all. ‘I could hear you coming for hours, Webb,' she said. ‘I was sure you would come. You saw the sign?' ‘I saw it,' I said. It's our sign,' she said. ‘Hearts and crosses. To love and to suffer—that's what they mean.' "And old Doctor Musgrove was there. And Santa goes to sleep and Doctor Musgrove touches her face, and he says to me: ‘You were good for her. But go away now. The little lady will be all right in the morning.' Old McAllister was outside her room. ‘She's sleeping,' I said. ‘And now you can start killing19 me. You have plenty of time. I haven't any- thing to fight with.' Old McAllister laughs, and he says to me: ‘Killing the best foreman in West Texas is not good business. I don't know where I could get another good foreman. I don't want you in the family. But I can use you on the Nopalito if you stay away from the ranch house. You go up and sleep, and then we'll talk.' " The two men prepared to separate20. They took each other's hand. "Goodbye, Baldy," said Webb. "I'm glad I saw you and had this talk." With a sudden21 rush, the two riders22 were on their way.


Then Baldy pulled his horse to a stop and shouted. Webb turned. "If I were you," came Baldy's loud voice, "I would be king!" At eight the following morning, Bud23 Turner got off his horse at the Nopalito ranch house. Bud was the cowboy who was taking the cattle to San Antonio. Mrs. Yeager was outside the house, putting water on some flowers. In many ways Santa was like her father, "King" McAllister. She was sure about everything. She was afraid of nothing. She was proud. But Santa looked like her mother. She had a strong body and a soft prettiness. Because she was a woman, her manners24 were womanly. Yet she liked to be queen, as her father had liked to be king. Webb stood near her, giving orders to two or three cowboys. "Good morning," said Bud. "Where do you want the cattle to go? To Barber25's as usual?" The queen always answered such a question. All the business— buying, selling, and banking—had been held in her hands. Care of the cattle was given to her husband. When "King" McAllister was alive, Santa was his secretary26 and his helper27. She had continued her work and her work had been successful. But before she could answer, the queen's husband spoke28: "You drive those cattle to Zimmerman's and Nesbit's. I spoke to Zimmerman about it."

接着,布德里让马停下来,大声喊起来。韦伯转过身来。“如果我是你,” 布德里大声说,“我就是国王!”第二天早上八点,巴德·特纳在诺帕利托牧场的房子那里下马。巴德是那个带牛去圣安东尼奥的牛仔。耶格太太在屋外,给一些花浇水。圣塔在很多方面都很像她的父亲,“国王”麦卡利斯特。她对一切都很确定,什么都不怕。她很自豪。但圣塔长得像她妈妈,她身体强壮,柔软又漂亮。因为她是个女人,所以她的举止也很有女人味。但她喜欢当王后,就像她父亲喜欢当国王一样。韦伯站在她旁边,给两三个牛仔发号命令。“早上好,”巴德说,“你们想让牛去哪里?像往常一样去巴伯吗?”女王总是回答这样的问题,所有的买卖和银行业务都掌控在她手中,她丈夫则照料牲口。“国王”麦卡利斯特在世时,圣塔是他的秘书和助手。她继续工作,而且工作得很成功。但在她回答之前,女王的丈夫说:“你把那些牛赶到齐默尔曼和奈斯比特家,我和齐默尔曼谈过了。”

Bud turned, ready to go. "Wait!" called Santa quickly. She looked at her husband with surprise in her gray eyes. "What do you mean, Webb?" she asked. "I never deal with Zimmerman and Nesbit. Barber has bought all the cattle from this ranch for five years. I'm not going to change." She said to Bud Turner: "Take those cattle to Barber." Bud did not look at either of them. He stood there waiting. "I want those cattle to go to Zimmerman and Nesbit," said Webb. There was a cold light in his blue eyes. "It's time to start," said Santa to Bud. "Tell Barber we'll have more cattle ready in about a month." Bud allowed his eyes to turn and meet Webb's. "You take those cattle," said Webb, "to—" "Barber," said Santa quickly. "Let's say no more about it. What are you waiting for, Bud?" "Nothing," said Bud. But he did not hurry to move away, for man is man's friend, and he did not like what had happened. "You heard what she said," cried Webb. "We do what she commands." He took off his hat and made a wide movement29 with it, touching30 the floor.

巴德转身后准备出发。“等等!”圣塔马上叫道,她用灰色的眼睛惊讶地看着丈夫。“你什么意思,韦伯?”她问。“我从不和齐默尔曼和奈斯比特打交道。巴伯五年来从这个牧场买了所有的牛。我不会改变的。”她对巴德·特纳说:“带那些牛去巴伯那吧。”巴德没有看他们两人,他站在那里等着。韦伯说:“我要那些牛到齐默尔曼和奈斯比特那去。他的蓝眼睛里透着冷冷的光。“该开始了,” 圣塔对巴德说,“告诉巴伯,大约一个月后我们会准备更多的牛。”巴德睁大眼睛看着韦伯,“你带着那些牛,”韦伯说,“去——”“巴伯,”圣塔迅速地说。“别再说了,你在等什么,巴德?”“没什么,”巴德说。但他并不着急离开,因为这个人是朋友,他不喜欢所发生的一切。“你听到她说的话了吧,”韦伯喊道,“我们按她吩咐的去做。”他摘下帽子,大大地摆动了一下,碰到了地板。

"Webb," said Santa, "what's wrong with you today?" "I'm acting31 like the queen's fool," said Webb. "What can you expect? Let me tell you. I was a man before I married a cattle queen. What am I now? Something for the cowboys to laugh at. But I'm going to be a man again." Santa looked at him. "Be reasonable32, Webb," she said quietly. "There is nothing wrong. You take care of the cattle. I take care of the business. You understand the cattle. I understand the business better than you do. I learned33 it from my father." "I don't like kings and queens," said Webb, "unless I'm one of them myself. Alright. It's your ranch. Barber gets the cattle." Webb's horse was tied near the house. He walked into the house and brought out the supplies34 he took on long rides.

“韦伯,”圣塔说,“你今天怎么了?”韦伯说:“我表现得像是女王的傻瓜。你能指望什么呢?我告诉你吧,在我和一个养牛皇后结婚前,我曾是个男人。”我现在是什么?让牛仔们笑话的人,但我要重新做人。”圣塔看着他。“讲些道理吧,韦伯,”她平静地说,“没什么不对的,你照顾好牛,我负责好生意。你对牛很在行,我比你更了解怎么做生意,这是我从父亲那里学来的。” “我不喜欢国王和王后,”韦伯说,“除非我自己也是他们中的一员。好吧,这是你的农场。巴伯把牛弄到手了。”韦伯把马绑在房子附近,他走进屋子,拿出长途旅行时带的供给品。

These he began to tie on his horse. Santa followed him. Her face had lost some of its color. Webb got on his horse. There was no expression on his face except a strange light burning in his eyes. "There are some cattle at the Hondo water-hole," he said. "They ought to be moved. Wild animals have killed three of them. I did not remember to tell Simms to do it. You tell him." Santa put a hand on the horse and looked her husband in the eye. "Are you going to leave me, Webb?" she asked quietly. "I'm going to be a man again," he answered. "I wish you success," she said, with a sudden coldness. She turned and walked into the house. Webb Yeager went to the southeast as straight as he could ride. And when he came to the place where sky and earth seem to meet, he was gone. Those at the Nopalito knew nothing more about him. Days passed, then weeks, then months. But Webb Yeager did not return.




1 therefore jGdyd     
  • He was busy,therefore,he couldn't come.他忙得很,所以没有来。
  • He was very tired and therefore he fell sound asleep.他非常疲劳,因此就睡熟了。
2 queen WS2xH     
  • She sounds like a queen!她听起来像是一个王后!
  • The evil queen is very angry.邪恶的皇后非常生气。
3 ought XJKx4     
  • Ought I to hand in the homework today?我应当在今天交上作业吗?
  • They ought to be here by now.他们这个时候该到了。
4 surely yrRwj     
  • It'should surely be possible for them to reach an agreement.想必他们可以达成协议。
  • Surely we'll profit from your work.我们肯定会从你的工作中得到益处。
5 upside TfazIJ     
  • The children hung the picture upside down.小孩把画挂倒了。
  • If you turn the envelope upside down, the key will fall out.你如果把信封倒过来,钥匙就会掉出。
6 cowboy FvIz7l     
  • I felt sure I had all the skills to be a cowboy.我确信自己具备当牛仔的一切本领。
  • He loved to see cowboy movies.他爱看牛仔影片。
7 cowboys 72a97fb793d496318518aebc7e9298b2     
n.牧牛工( cowboy的名词复数 );牛仔;冒失鬼;(尤指无能的)缺德的商人
  • children playing a game of cowboys and Indians 玩美国西部牛仔与印第安人游戏的孩子们
  • There are too many cowboys in the business these days. 近来商界中,瞎吵胡闹的家伙太多。 来自《简明英汉词典》
8 ranch dAUzk     
  • He went to work on a ranch.他去一个大农场干活。
  • The ranch is in the middle of a large plateau.该牧场位于一个辽阔高原的中部。
9 married HBbx9     
  • I heard John got married.我听说约翰结婚了。
  • They got married last autumn.他们在去年秋季结婚。
10 cattle FOwzt     
  • He has twenty head of cattle on the farm.他在农场养了20头牛。
  • On big farms cattle are usually stamped with brands.在大农场,牲畜通常是打烙印的。
11 commands 5f6bc08c46cee6f21bfcdd08aff6e8aa     
v.指挥,控制,命令( command的第三人称单数 );掌握;俯瞰;应得
  • They built a robot capable of understanding spoken commands. 他们制造了一个能懂口头指令的机器人。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • We could hear he was bellowing commands to his troops. 我们听见他正向他的兵士大声发布命令。 来自《简明英汉词典》
12 sadness 9jsz5D     
  • Smiles help you forget your sadness.微笑让你忘却悲伤。
  • The jokes were a mask to hide his sadness.玩笑是掩盖他内心悲伤的方式。
13 expression 9hpz6     
  • He looked at me without expression.他毫无表情地看着我。
  • Her face was without expression.她的脸上没有表情。
14 schoolboy 9jLzMI     
  • Tom is an 8-year-old schoolboy.汤姆是个八岁的男生。
  • Bob is a fine type of schoolboy.鲍勃是男生的典范。
15 leadership t15xs     
  • The leadership instructed us to remain where we were.领导指示我们留在原地不动。
  • He undertook the leadership of the team.他担任了这个团队的领导。
16 steadily Qukw6     
  • The scope of man's use of natural resources will steadily grow.人类利用自然资源的广度将日益扩大。
  • Our educational reform was steadily led onto the correct path.我们的教学改革慢慢上轨道了。
17 added mzJzm0     
  • They have added a new scene at the beginning.在开头他们又增加了一场戏。
  • The pop music added to our enjoyment of the film.片中的流行音乐使我们对这部电影更加喜爱。
18 used ajBwV     
  • I used to work until nearly 6:00 o'clock each day.我过去常常工作到6:00左右。
  • He used to walk anywhere from two to five miles an hour.他过去经常一小时走二至五英里。
19 killing kpBziQ     
  • Investors are set to make a killing from the sell-off.投资者准备清仓以便大赚一笔。
  • Last week my brother made a killing on Wall Street.上个周我兄弟在华尔街赚了一大笔。
20 separate hzewa     
  • Are they joined together or separate?它们是合在一起还是分开的?
  • Separate the white clothes from the dark clothes before laundering.洗衣前应当把浅色衣服和深色衣服分开。
21 sudden YsSw9     
  • All of a sudden he turned about and saw me.他突然转过身来看见了我。
  • The horse was badly frightened by the sudden noise.那匹马被突然而来的嘈杂声吓坏了。
22 riders bc3cc5db6bc6041e77d37a99c86254b9     
骑(马、自行车等)的人( rider的名词复数 ); 乘客; 附文; 附加条款
  • a group of riders strung out along the beach 沿海滩散开的一队骑手
  • The riders came trotting down the lane. 这骑手骑着马在小路上慢跑。
23 bud mc6yu     
  • Some flowers bud their leaves very early in spring.有些花在春季里很早发出叶来。
  • A bad habit in a child should be nipped in the bud.应该尽早把孩子的坏习惯改过来。
24 manners foJzbe     
  • You should mend your manners.你的态度应当纠正。
  • His manners are rough,but he is a kind man at heart.他虽然举止粗鲁,但心地善良。
25 barber Ku9zG     
  • She asked the barber to crop her hair short.她叫理发师把她的头发剪短了。
  • My Mum took me to the barber's.我妈带我理发去了。
26 secretary WZ9xI     
  • I want to check with my secretary before I sign the papers.在签署这些文件前,我要与我的秘书商议。
  • She rang the bell for her secretary.她按铃叫她的秘书。
27 helper 6ryzDM     
  • The cook is in charge of the kitchen helper.这位厨师负责管理厨工。
  • She was a voluntary helper.她是自愿帮忙的。
28 spoke XryyC     
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说
  • They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
  • The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
29 movement TF0xr     
  • The police are keeping a watch on his movement.警方密切注视着他的动向。
  • We are friends of labour movement.我们是工人运动的支持者。
30 touching sg6zQ9     
  • It was a touching sight.这是一幅动人的景象。
  • His letter was touching.他的信很感人。
31 acting czRzoc     
  • Ignore her,she's just acting.别理她,她只是假装的。
  • During the seventies,her acting career was in eclipse.在七十年代,她的表演生涯黯然失色。
32 reasonable HTKxU     
  • Many restaurants do a very reasonable set menu at lunchtime.许多餐馆中午都提供价钱合理的客饭。
  • I'll buy the car if the price is reasonable.如果价钱公道,我就把这辆车买下。
33 learned m1oxn     
  • He went into a rage when he learned about it.他听到这事后勃然大怒。
  • In this little village,he passed for a learned man.在这个小村子里,他被视为有学问的人。
34 supplies 1cefa3fef5bc90707d492007b796739b     
n.日用(必需)品;供应;补给;供应量;供给物( supply的名词复数 );储备物质;粮食v.供给( supply的第三人称单数 );补充;弥补(缺陷、损失等);向…提供(物资等)
  • Food supplies were severely depleted. 食物供应已严重不足。
  • the insidious effects of polluted water supplies 供水系统污染的潜在恶果

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