

时间:2008-10-27 06:47:43



Overtime1 and leave

Useful sentences


I have too much work to do.

I am working overtime.

This work is due.

This has to be done.

I have to catch up.

I am staying late.

The deadline is coming up.

I don’t get paid for overtime.

You can expend2 the overtime meal.

You can take some time off later.

Will you have to work overtime this weekend?

How about we go to eat after our previous shift3?


Can I take a day off?

Can I take a leave absence?

I need some time off.

I need to take this morning off.

I will be late tomorrow morning.

I want to apply for some personal leave.

He asked for a 5 day personal leave for his wife’s labor4.

Match took a sick day yesterday.

I was away on sick leave.

Have you taken your annual leave?

I don’t think anyone likes to work public holidays.

How many vacation days do we have?

I will work extra hours next week.

Is there any overtime compensation5 in our company?

Situational conversations

Dialogue one I need you to stay and work with me

A: I need you to stay and work with me until we finish the job.

B: Can’t we cook the chicken wings tomorrow?

A: No, we can’t, they are all for Christmas orders.

B: Oh, I see. We’ve been very busy these days.

A: yes, Christmas is coming.

B: Ok, I will stay.

A: Good, don’t forget to write down your overtime hours on your timesheet.

B; No, I won’t.

A: Thanks for staying.

B: My pleasure.

Dialogue two I have been working overtime lately

A: You know I have been working overtime lately?

B: How many hours do you work each day?

A: 13 hours, including 3 hours overtime.

B: God, that’s tough indeed, do you think your health can afford it?

A: I don’t care. As long as I can be paid extra for overtime.

Dialogue three I wonder if I can take this afternoon off

A: Mr. Hunter, I wonder if I can take this afternoon off, my mom has had an accident and is in the hospital.

B: I am sorry to hear that. Yes, you can.

A: Thank you very much, I promise I will make it up.

Dialogue four I need to attend my grandfather’s funeral this week.

A: Ms. Willis, I need to attend my grandfather’s funeral this week.

B: When?

A: This Thursday

B: Can you arrange all the work on your hands?

A: Sure.

B: Submit6 the absence request and I will sign it.

A: Thank you so much.



1 overtime aKqxn     
  • They are working overtime to finish the work.为了完成任务他们正在加班加点地工作。
  • He was paid for the overtime he worked.他领到了加班费。
2 expend Fmwx6     
  • Don't expend all your time on such a useless job.不要把时间消耗在这种无用的工作上。
  • They expend all their strength in trying to climb out.他们费尽全力想爬出来。
3 shift 4yAwt     
  • Lend me a hand to shift this box,will you?来帮一下忙,把这箱子搬开,好吗?
  • A sudden shift in the wind warned of the coming storm.风向的突然改变预示暴风雨来临。
4 labor P9Tzs     
  • We are never late in satisfying him for his labor.我们从不延误付给他劳动报酬。
  • He was completely spent after two weeks of hard labor.艰苦劳动两周后,他已经疲惫不堪了。
5 compensation vXIy6     
  • Workers who have been unfairly dismissed may claim compensation.被无理开除的工人可以要求补偿。
  • Equal compensation should be given to men and women for equal work.男女同工应同酬。
6 submit OHBzv     
  • He was losing the fight but he would not submit. 他战败了,但不屈服。
  • I will not submit to such treatment. 我不甘心忍受这样的待遇。

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